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Date Loaded:
07 Dec 2019 14:51:41
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1968; Vol: 10
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Code:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Number of Pages:
Vol 10
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Financial statement   
Index Postmarks: Printed matter types   
Index BM (In triangle)   
Index BP (In triangle)   
Index IP (In triangle)   
Index KK (In triangle)   
Index KI (In triangle)   
Index KU (In triangle)   
Index KN (In triangle)   
Index KO (In triangle)   
Index MR (In triangle)   
Index PN (In triangle )   
Index SGT (In triangle)   
Index SG (In triangle)   
Index SN (In triangle)   
Index SP (In triangle)   
Index TG (In triangle)   
Index Postage stamps: : 1967 National Day   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1966 Agong   
Index Postage stamps: : 1967 Housing Congress   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Post offices and agencies: Temporary offices   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Registration numbers   
Index Urusuan Seri Paduka Baginda (Cachet)   
Index S.M.T. Kampong Gajah (Perak)   
Index Trengganu: Telegraphs cancellation   
Index Rumah Persekutuan (Selangor)   
Index Ligne de Saigon a Singapore, CDS   
Index KL (In triangle)   
Index British Empire Exhibition 1924 (Cachet)   
Index Dotted postmarks: Circular   
Index TRENGGANU: Postmarks: Telegraph marks   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): CDS: Parcels   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: FPO 503504   
Index Sedenak (Johore)   
Index Tebrau (Johore)   
Index Postage stamps: : 1962/66 Pictorials: Missing colours   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids (all states): Missing colours   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1966 National Monument   
Index Air mails: 1961-1976   
Index Air mails: Malayan Airways   
Index Air mails: Air New Zealand   
Index Air mails: Lufthansa   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops: Dies   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops: Forgeries   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Edye, J.H. Obituary   
Index Postal stationery: Post‑war use of old stocks   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Japanese postal stationery used   
Index O.G.S. (Cachet)   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Overprints during 1880s   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Exchange rates   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: 1880-99   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: 1870-79   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1880 5 cents on 8c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1879 5c and 7c ovpts.: Reasons for issue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1880 10 on 30c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1880 10 cents on 30c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1880/81 10 cents ovpts.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1882 5 cents on 4c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1867/73 Crown CC watermark issue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1882 Crown CC issue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892/94 1c and 3c overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892 ONE CENT overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1885 3 cents overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 2 Cents overprint   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1884 4 Cents and 8 Cents ovpts.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 TWO CENTS overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1898/99 4c overprints   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892/99 Key plate issue   
Index Postage stamps: : 1968 Postage Dues   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1962 Malaria Eradication   
Index MALAYAN POSTAL UNION: 1964/65 Block CA issue   
Index COCOS ISLAND: Postal history   
Index COCOS ISLAND: Barrel and Tin Can mails   
Index Ships: Islander   
Index Cocos Island   
Index Per Wave Baron (Cachet)   
Index Tin Can Mail Cocos-Keeling Is. (Cachet)   
Index Ships: June   
Index Ships: Morea   
Index Ships: Sydney   
Index Ships: Orion   
Index Ships: Emden   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Clunies‑Ross, John   
Index COCOS ISLAND: History   
Index CHRISTMAS ISLAND: Postage stamps used in Singapore   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Brown, William   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Postmarks: Foreign stamps cancelled   
Index Posted out of course (Cachet)   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Circuits   
Index Air mails: Survey flights 1926   
Index Singapore: Airmails: To 1930   
Index Teluk Anson Wharf (Perak): CDS   
Index Urusan Kerajaan (Cachet)   
Index Rumah Persekutuan (Selangor): CDS   
Index On Government Service (Cachet)   
Index MALAYSIA: Malaysianisation: Cachets and slogans   
Index Harris sale   
Index Penang Free (Cachet)   
Index Postmarks: 1945‑   
Index JOHORE: Postmarks: 1945‑1970   
Index KEDAH: : 1945‑75   
Index KELANTAN: Postmarks: 1946‑70   
Index MALACCA: Postmarks   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postmarks: 1945‑   
Index PAHANG: Postmarks: 1945‑   
Index PENANG: Postmarks   
Index PERAK: Postmarks: -1945   
Index PERLIS: Postmarks   
Index SELANGOR: Postmarks   
Index For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Postmarks: 1945‑99   
Index TRENGGANU: Postmarks: 1945‑   
Index Bar cancellations: Used in 1960s   
Index Damansara (Selangor)   
Index Jalan Kebun (Selangor)   
Index Kampong Niyor (Johore)   
Index Kampong Kelar (Kelantan)   
Index Sungei Klau (Pahang)   
Index Sungei Dusun (Selangor)   
Index Serkam (Malacca)   
Index Teluk Anson Wharf (Perak)   
Index Teloi Kanan (Kedah)   
Index MALAYSIA: Postmarks: New types   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postage stamps: 1968 Installation issue   
Index Teluk Anson (Perak): CDS Squared circle: Telok   
Index Teluk Anson (Perak): CDS Squared circle: Teluk   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1902 KEVII Crown CA watermark   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1906/11 KEVII changed colours: $500   
Index SUNGEI UJONG: Covers   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Covers: Combination   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1867 Overprints on India: Double overprint   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1868 2 on 1½c   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Plate varieties   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Printings   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Overprint settings   
Index TRENGGANU: Postage stamps: 1917 Red Cross issue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: 1850-69   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883/91 Crown CA issue   
Index Cocos Island: CDS   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 46   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 2215   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 245, 256, 445   
Index Numeral postmarks, Number in circle: Diamond duplex types   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Duplex types   
Index COCOS ISLAND: Forces post offices   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: Japanese and Siamese occupation stamps of Malaya. Brighton: Brighton Philatelic Co., 1961.   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops: Per favour overprints   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Single line chops: Trengganu stamps overprinted   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1968 Natural Rubber   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Japanese overprints   
Index Books and Journals: Miller, Harry. Menace in Malaya. London : Harrap, 1954.   
Index Books and Journals: Miller, Harry. Prince and premier. London : Harrap, 1959.   
Index Books and Journals: Miller, Harry. The story of Malaysia. London : Faber & Faber, 1965.   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Harris collection, at auction   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue: Cover   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: Auction realisations   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Straits Settlements stamps used   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue: Essays   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1918 unissued 4c on 3c   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Combination covers   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries: Malayan States   
Index Geylang (Singapore): CDS Japanese occupation   
Index Penang to Singapore   
Index Pitt Street, Penang (Penang): CDS   
Index Marine sorting offices   
Index SABAH: Post offices and agencies   
Index SARAWAK: Post offices and agencies   
Index Labuan: CDS   
Index Lahad Datu (North Borneo)   
Index Mobile P.O. No.1 (North Borneo)   
Index Kudat (North Borneo)   
Index Ranau (Sabah)   
Index Train Mail (North Borneo)   
Index Sibu (Sarawak)   
Index Song (Sarawak)   
Index Labi (Brunei)   
Index Brunei   
Index SABAH: Postmarks   
Index Brunei: Post offices and agencies 1967   
Index Brunei: Postmarks   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1968 Mexico Olympics   
Index KELANTAN: Postage stamps: 1922 Malaya‑Borneo issue: 5c 14mm overprint   
Index SARAWAK: Postmarks   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Dow, A.   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Farquhar, William   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Flint, William Laurence   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Ralfe, Henry   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: To 1850   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Lee, Charles   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Coles, Edward   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Davies, C.E.   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Ryan, Charles   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Cuppage, William   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Cuthbertson, R.J.   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Poynton   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Scott, William   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Farquhar, Andrew   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Campbell, N.R.   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Maxwell, John Argyle   
Index Postage stamps: : 1968/73 Masks and dancers   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Bibliography   
Index Books and Journals: Proud's simplified catalogue of the Japanese Occupation stamps of Malaya. Brighton: Brighton Philatelic Co., 1965.   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Forces and POW mails   
Index SINGAPORE: Forces post offices: 1945-1959   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1881/83 overprints on 2c brown: Settings   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Plate numbers   
Index Australian forces in Malaya: Postal history   
Index Australian forces in Malaya: 1940‑45   
Index Australian forces in Malaya: Bibliography   
Index Postage rates: Forces mail   
Index Postage rates: 1901-41   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Forces post offices   
Index JOHORE: Forces mails   
Index KELANTAN: Forces mails and post offices   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 18   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 20   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 19   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: FPO 502   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: FPO 505506   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 28   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 26   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 27   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 18,19,20   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: SP 501   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 17   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Post offices and agencies: Forces post offices, To 1942   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 50   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 29   
Index SELANGOR: Forces post offices   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: 25c   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Issue   
Index Meter stamps   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1922/41 Script CA wmk issue   
Index JOHORE: Postal stationery: Envelopes   
Index JOHORE: Postal history: Stamp shortage 1941   
Index JOHORE: Postal history   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: Stamp shortage 1941   
Index JOHORE: Postage rates   
Index JOHORE: Postmarks: Postage paid types   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Meter marks   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Indian: FPO 32A   
Index Postage Paid Malaya   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: FPO 353   
Index YMCA envelopes   
Index Air letters: Australian   
Index Australian forces in Malaya: Air letters   
Index JOHORE: Postal stationery: Aerogrammes   
Index JOHORE: Postal stationery: Letter cards   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: Bibliography   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Post offices and agencies, To 1939   
Index B172 (Singapore): Penang use   
Index B172 (Singapore)