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07 Dec 2019 14:51:41
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Journal / Periodical
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1973; Vol: 14
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Vol 14
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Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Membership listings Complete lists (Issued as supplements)   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Post office   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Financial statement   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: The Malayan Philatelist   
Index O.G.S. (Cachet)   
Index On Government Service (Cachet)   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Japanese postal stationery used   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Clubbed packet system   
Index Slogans, Handstamped   
Index Hari Wanita   
Index MALAYSIA: Slogans, Handstamped   
Index Malacca: Cancellations, British Empire Exhibition duplex 1925: Slogans   
Index Seremban (Negri Sembilan): Slogan   
Index Bedong (Kedah)   
Index Dangi (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Gunakanlah Poskod Kuala Lumpur (Cachet)   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1921/24 Script CA wmk issue: Watermark varieties   
Index MALAYSIA: Land development schemes   
Index MALAYSIA: Post offices and agencies: Services   
Index Kampong Pandan Selantan (Selangor)   
Index Kampong Pandan (Selangor)   
Index Jerangau (Trengganu)   
Index Jalan Weld Kuala Lumpur (Selangor)   
Index Damansara (Selangor)   
Index Bukit Ramun (Johore)   
Index Bungsar (Selangor)   
Index Mara K.L. (Selangor)   
Index LKTP   
Index Vallambrosa (Selangor)   
Index Mandai Road (Singapore)   
Index Ong Lee (Singapore)   
Index Dungun (Trengganu): CDS   
Index Besut (Trengganu)   
Index Kemaman (Trengganu): Jawi inscription on CDS   
Index Kemasek (Trengganu)   
Index Kijal (Trengganu)   
Index Kerteh (Trengganu): CDS   
Index Paka (Trengganu)   
Index Marang (Trengganu)   
Index Kuala Trengganu (Trengganu): CDS   
Index Kuala Brang (Trengganu)   
Index Setiu (Trengganu)   
Index Trengganu: CDS   
Index TRENGGANU: Postmarks: Jawi types   
Index Books and Journals: Webb, Francis Wynne. A philatelic and postal history of Hong Kong and the treaty ports of China and Japan. London : Royal Philatelic Society of London, 1961.   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Clubbed packet system: Rules   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage rates: Checklist   
Index Books and Journals: Wood, Francis E. The postage stamps of the Native Protected States of Malaya. Parts I and II. Bettws‑y‑Coed: Reprint edition   
Index Books and Journals: Lowe, Robson. Encyclopedia of British Empire postage stamps 1775­ - 1950. Vol.III: The Empire in Asia. London : Robson Lowe, 1951.   
Index PERAK: Post offices and agencies: 1945-80   
Index PERAK: Post offices and agencies: 1942‑45   
Index Sitiawan (Perak)   
Index Kuala Kurau (Perak)   
Index Ipoh (Perak)   
Index Ipoh Garden (Perak)   
Index Bidor (Perak)   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Siamese stamps postmarked   
Index Singapore: CDS: On Siam   
Index SIAM: Postage rates to 1910   
Index SIAM: Postal history 1885   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries: Siam   
Index Bangkok: Invalidation   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1924/26 Postage dues   
Index Please advise sender that letters should be prepaid (Cachet)   
Index Malacca: Handstruck stamps   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: First day covers   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Postal stationery: 4c postcard   
Index Books and Journals: McNair, J.F.A. Perak and the Malays: Sarong and kris. London Tinsley Bros, 1878; London : Cassell, 1898. Reprinted 1972.   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1895/99 Tiger and Elephant issue: Design and essays   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1895/98 Tiger and Elephants issue   
Index McNair Street (Penang)   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1880 10 on 30c: Setting   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1912/23 KGV Multiple Crown CA wmk: Keyplate doubling   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Covers: Combination   
Index Slogans, Handstamped   
Index Taiping (Perak): Slogans   
Index Gua Musang (Kelantan)   
Index MALAYSIA: Labels   
Index Postage stamps: : 1972 Commemorative issues   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 PQR   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 Landmarks   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 Aviation   
Index MALAYSIA: Malaysianisation: Postmarks   
Index MALAYSIA: Postmarks: Temporary types   
Index MALAYSIA: Postmarks: Malaysianisation   
Index Bayaran Pos / Jelas (Cachet)   
Index Ipoh East (Perak)   
Index Terpos Salah Hala (Cachet)   
Index Tanglin (Singapore)   
Index Telok Mas (Malacca)   
Index Permatang Pasir (Penang)   
Index Semabok (Malacca)   
Index Kampong Janda Baik (Pahang)   
Index Changkat (Penang)   
Index KELANTAN: Postage stamps: 1911/15 Block CA watermark issue: Covers 1910s   
Index TRENGGANU: Postage stamps: 1910/19 Issue   
Index MALAYSIA: Postcode introduced   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Postcode introduction   
Index Books and Journals: IPA Catalogue of the stamps of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. Kuala Lumpur : I.P.A. 1973‑Reviews of annual editions   
Index Penang: Cancellations, Duplex: Machine cancellations   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Machine cancellations: 1930s   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Machine cancellations: 1910s   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Machine types   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed: Slogan postmarks   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Penang types   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postmarks, Slogan   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Malacca types   
Index PERAK: Postmarks: Slogan types, prewar   
Index Ipoh (Perak): Slogan postmarks   
Index Teluk Anson (Perak): Slogan postmark   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 National Day   
Index Books and Journals: Easton. John. Postage stamps in the making. London : Faber & Faber, 1949.   
Index Books and Journals: Wood, Francis E. Straits Settlements postage stamps. Bettws‑y‑Coed: F.E.Wood, 1948.   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Free mail period, 1945: Postal notices   
Index PERAK: Postal history: 1942‑45   
Index SINGAPORE: Forces post offices: ANZUK force   
Index Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5   
Index Books and Journals: Singapore Philatelist. Singapore : Singapore Stamp Club.   
Index Books and Journals: IPA Catalogue of the Japanese occupation stamps of Malaya,Brunei, Labuan, North Borneo and Sarawak. Kuala Lumpur : I.P.A., 1974. Review   
Index Brunei: Bibliography   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Paquebot and ship marks: Singapore: US Navy   
Index Cocos Island: USS Houston postmark   
Index U.S.S. + Ship name   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage rates: 1913-29   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: Forces mail   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1892 ONE CENT overprints: Bar omitted 4c   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1904/06 Multiple Crown CA watermark.   
Index Base Fleet Mail Office, Cancellations   
Index British Fleet Mail Office, CDS   
Index MALAYSIA: Confrontation   
Index Teluk Anson Wharf (Perak): CDS   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 SEAP Games   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 Flowers and fruit issue   
Index Postage stamps: : 1973 Zoo animals   
Index Toa Payoh II (Singapore)   
Index Shaw Centre (Singapore)   
Index Covent Garden (Singapore)   
Index Colombo Court (Singapore)   
Index Jalan Chai Chee (Singapore)   
Index Upper Paya Lebar (Singapore)