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Date Loaded:
07 Dec 2019 14:51:41
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1976; Vol: 17
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Vol 17
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Key Words 
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postmarks: Commemorative   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: Dai Nippon 2602 overprints   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: Catalogue   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: War Tax overprints   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Japanese overprints   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1922/36 Script CA issue, 1c: Japanese revenue overprints   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1937 Issue: Japanese revenue ovpt.   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: Fiscal overprints   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: Perak 6c Tin dredge   
Index THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps, Kedah issues: Kelantan issues, Arms type   
Index THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps, Kedah issues: Kelantan issues, Arms type: Portrait type   
Index THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps, Kedah issues: Trengganu issues   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Walton, John G. Obituary   
Index PERLIS: Postage stamps: 1965 Orchids   
Index Federal House Kuala Lumpur (Selangor)   
Index Official Paid, CDS   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed: Machine 'Paid'   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): CDS: Postage paid   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: To 1850   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1851-70   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Forwarding agents   
Index Forwarding agents   
Index PERAK: History, To 1900   
Index PERAK: Postal history: To 1910   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Low, Hugh   
Index Kuala Kangsar (Perak)   
Index Lahat (Perak)   
Index Larut (Perak)   
Index Sungei Siput (Perak)   
Index Ulu Sepetang (Perak)   
Index Taiping (Perak)   
Index Tapah Road (Perak)   
Index Teluk Anson Wharf (Perak)   
Index Port Weld (Perak)   
Index Malim Nawar (Perak)   
Index Kampar (Perak)   
Index Kamunting (Perak)   
Index Batu Gajah (Perak)   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Clementi, Cecil   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1892/95 Leaping Tiger issue   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1904/22 Multiple Block CA wmk issue: Watermark varieties: Inverted watermarks   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1922/34 Multiple Script watermark issue: Watermark varieties: Inverted watermarks   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1906/11 KEVII changed colours: $500   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1907 Overprints on Labuan   
Index Ipoh (Perak): Slogan postmarks   
Index Labuan: CDS: On Malaya and Straits stamps   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Machine cancellations: 1910s   
Index Singapore: CDS: Blank at the top   
Index Singapore: CDS: C,D etc at top   
Index Kuala Pilah (Negri Sembilan): CDS: Double circle   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal stationery: Postcards: Japanese types   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Johore   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Kedah   
Index KEDAH: Censor marks, Japanese Occupation   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Kelantan   
Index KELANTAN: Censor marks   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postmarks: Commemorative: Fall of Singapore types   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal history: Penang   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal services: Dates of restoration   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1943 Pictorials: Design competition   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censorship of mail   
Index Penang: Post office: Japanese occupation   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Japanese stamps used   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1943 Pictorials: Dates of issue   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1943 Savings campaign issue   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage rates: Express mail   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal services: Express delivery   
Index Terempa (Singapore)   
Index Jelutong (Penang)   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1944 Rebirth of Malaya   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage rates: Postcards   
Index Tassek Glugor (Penang)   
Index Penanti (Penang)   
Index Pinang Tunggal (Penang)   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Post offices and agencies   
Index Fuji‑Go (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Syburi (Kedah)   
Index Pitt Street, Penang (Penang)   
Index Pulau Tikus (Penang), CDS: Japanese Occupation   
Index Dato Kramat (Penang)   
Index Bayan Lepas (Penang)   
Index Balik Pulau (Penang)   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage rates: Foreign mail   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Clubbed packet system   
Index JOHORE: Clubbed packets   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Indian stamps used: Date of first use   
Index Dotted postmarks: Circular: Outlined   
Index Dotted postmarks: Diamond   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Pre-Stamp   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Dai Nippon Penang overprints: Double overprints   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Dai Nippon Penang overprints: Settings and varieties   
Index Tojo‑To (Penang)   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: History: 1942-45   
Index Syonan‑To (Singapore): Covers   
Index Penang: CDS: Japanese Occupation   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): CDS: Japanese Occupation   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Covers   
Index TRENGGANU: Censor marks   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Trengganu   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Negri Sembilan   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Perak   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Pahang   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censor marks: Selangor   
Index Teluk Anson (Perak): Opened by censor   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1907 Overprints on Labuan: Postmarks   
Index TRENGGANU: Postage stamps: 1924/38 issue   
Index Collecting   
Index Blantyre (Nyasaland) on Straits stamps   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: Varieties   
Index Nieuw Holland (Ship)   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postmarks: Commemorative: Unissued   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal savings cards   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1898/99 4c overprints   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1975 Rubber Research Institute   
Index PERAK: Postal history: 1942‑45   
Index PERAK: Post offices and agencies: 1942‑45   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal history: Perak   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: History: 1900-41   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Study projects   
Index Syonan‑To (Singapore)   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: History: Singapore   
Index British Military Administration of Malaya: Post offices: Checklist   
Index Pertunjokan MAHA, K.Lumpur (Selangor), CDS   
Index KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue: Watermark varieties   
Index KEDAH: History   
Index JOHORE: Covers: Stampless, 1945   
Index JOHORE: Postmarks: Postage paid types   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: Stamp shortage 1941   
Index JOHORE: Postal history: BMA period   
Index JOHORE: Postal stationery: Envelopes   
Index JOHORE: Postal history: Stamp shortage 1941   
Index Postage Paid Johore   
Index Postage Paid Malaya   
Index Slogans, Handstamped   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postmarks: Slogans   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Censorship of mail: Sealing methods   
Index JOHORE: Post offices and agencies: Mobile post offices   
Index MALAYSIA: Post offices and agencies: Mobile post offices   
Index KEDAH: Post offices and agencies: Mobile post offices   
Index KELANTAN: Post offices and agencies: Mobile offices   
Index MALACCA: Post offices and agencies, Checklists: Mobile post offices   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Post offices and agencies, To 1939: Mobile post offices   
Index PAHANG: Post offices and agencies, 1890‑1939: Mobile offices   
Index PENANG: Post offices and agencies: Mobile post offices   
Index PERAK: Post offices and agencies: Mobile post offices   
Index PERLIS: Post offices and agencies: Mobile offices   
Index FEDERAL TERRITORY: Post offices and agencies   
Index SELANGOR: Post offices and agencies: Mobile offices   
Index TRENGGANU: Post offices and agencies: Mobile offices   
Index SARAWAK: Post offices and agencies: : Mobile offices   
Index SABAH: Mobile offices   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1922/34 Multiple Script watermark issue: Invalidation   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1903 3c and 10c overprints.   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1904 Issue   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1918/21 Multiple Crown CA wmk. issue   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1922/41 Script CA wmk issue   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries: Malayan States   
Index Ships: Nieuw Holland   
Index TRENGGANU: Straits Settlements stamps used   
Index Kemaman (Trengganu)