Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Membership listings Complete lists (Issued as supplements)
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postmarks: Tax marks
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postmarks: Tax marks
| | |
Index |
1-200: 8
| | |
Index |
1-200: 10
| | |
Index |
1-200: 12
| | |
Index |
1-200: 16
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postmarks, Slogan: Tax marks
| | |
Index |
1-200: 4
| | |
Index |
T cents + number + Tamil (Boxed)
| | |
Index |
T (in circle): (in circle, with charge) (Perak)
| | |
Index |
Taiping (Perak): To Pay marks
| | |
Index |
Ipoh (Perak): To Pay marks
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Tax markings
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): To Pay marks
| | |
Index |
T sen ... cents To Pay (Boxed)
| | |
Index |
Seremban (Negri Sembilan): To Pay mark
| | |
Index |
1-200: 8 cents (on Selangor)
| | |
Index |
NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postmarks: To Pay marks
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postage stamps: 1892/95 Leaping Tiger issue: 2c orange
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1883/90 Selangor ovpts on 2c rose: Forgery
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1883/90 Selangor ovpts on 2c rose: Selangor horizontally in italics
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1898/99 4c overprints: Availability
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: Maritime mails
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1891-1900
| | |
Index |
Marine sorting offices
| | |
Index |
Penang and Singapore Paid, CDS
| | |
Index |
Penang to Singapore: CDS
| | |
Index |
Penang and Singapore Unpaid, CDS
| | |
Index |
Penang to Singapore: CDS: Double circle
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1901-20
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Trotter, Noel
| | |
Index |
Ships: Sachsen
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Post offices
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Postal history
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Japanese postal stationery used: Postage rates
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Free mail period, 1945: Postal notices
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Free mail period, 1945
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Invalidation of unoverprinted issues
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Postal stationery
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1935 Jubilee issue
| | |
Index |
French maritime mails
| | |
Index |
Maritime mail, French and German
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1883/90 Selangor ovpts on 2c rose: Trial printings
| | |
Index |
Marseille a Yokohama, CDS
| | |
Index |
Ligne P....
| | |
Index |
Ligne T....
| | |
Index |
Ligne de Saigon a Singapore, CDS
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Maritime mails, French and German
| | |
Index |
Yokohama a Marseille, CDS
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1935 Silver Jubilee
| | |
Index |
Bangkok: Chequerboard cachet
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Straits Settlements. Postmaster General. Annual Report
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Bogus overprints
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Clubbed packet system
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1851-70
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Newton
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Messageries Maritimes
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Cancellation, Checkerboard
| | |
Index |
Bar cancellations: Checkerboard
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Censorship
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censorship: Singapore
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: McKerron, Sir Patrick
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Gilmour, Andrew
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Cormac, CR Cowgill
| | |
Index |
Censorship 1940s
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Instructional marks
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Labels and seals
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: Penang
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: Labels
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Censor marks, Forged: World War 2
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: Transit marks
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Wax seals
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Transit marks, number or letter in circle
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Rectangular types
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Rectangular types: Checklist of numbers
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: Singapore
| | |
Index |
Passed by Censor (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Passed by Censor Singapore (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Passed for Transmission (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Passed for Transmission Singapore (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Triangular types
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Triangular types: Unframed types
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Triangular types: Checklist of numbers
| | |
Index |
Penang: Covers: 1920s
| | |
Index |
Passed by Censor Penang (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Penang: Censor marks
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Circular marks
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
Opened by Censor (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: 50c, Forgery
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Salvaged mail notices
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Crashes
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Crashes: Labels
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Imperial Airways: Crashes
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Salvaged mail notices
| | |
Index |
Salvaged Mail (Cachet): Notices
| | |
Index |
Australian forces in Malaya: Bibliography
| | |
Index |
Australian forces in Malaya: Postal history
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Stobbs, S. Postmarks of the Australian Forces from all fronts 1939-53. Batley: Harry Hayes 1976.
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Turner, George R, Obituary
| | |
Index |
Australian forces in Malaya: 1940‑45
| | |
Index |
Forces Mails: Postage rates
| | |
Index |
Forces Mails: 1939‑42
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Postage rates: Forces mails
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Postage rates: 1940-42
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1936-1942: Forces mails
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from Australasia
| | |
Index |
Port Dickson (Negri Sembilan): Forces mails 1940s
| | |
Index |
Seremban (Negri Sembilan): Forces mails 1940s
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Forces mails, 1910s: 1940s
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: Base Post Office No.4
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Forces mails 1940s
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Forces mails
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: Forces mails
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Post offices and agencies: Forces post offices, To 1942
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1921‑41
| | |
Index |
Ships: Plover
| | |
Index |
Ships: Van Twist
| | |
Index |
Ships: Zan Dam
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 28
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 25
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 27
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AUST BASE P.O. 26
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 17
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 18
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 19
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: Australian: AIF FIELD P.O. 20
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: Base Post Office No.3
| | |
Index |
Johore Bahru (Johore): Forces mails 1940s
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: De La Rue archives
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1891/94 Aboubakar issue: Essays and proofs
| | |
Index |
De La Rue archive materials, Malay States
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 1948 King George VI perf.14: Forgeries
| | |
Index |
PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Sultan Abu Bakar issue, 8c variety: Unissued values
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postal stationery, Essays and proofs
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1896 Coronation overprints
| | |
Index |
Raffles Hotel (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Australian forces in Malaya: Postal instructions
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Burns & Philp
| | |
Index |
Ships: Malabar
| | |
Index |
Ships: Eudunda
| | |
Index |
Ships: Merkur
| | |
Index |
Ships: Mataram
| | |
Index |
Ships: Montoto
| | |
Index |
Ships: Mangola
| | |
Index |
Ships: Marella
| | |
Index |
Ships: Bulolo
| | |
Index |
Ships: Burntside
| | |
Index |
Ships: Airlie
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1937 Issue: Japanese revenue ovpt.
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Revenue stamps
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps: War Tax overprints
| | |
Index |
Selangor, DLO cachet: Stamp Office CDS
| | |
Index |
Pulau Tekong (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Machine cancellations: 1980s
| | |
Index |
Shaw Centre (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Sepoy Lines (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Clementi New Town (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Chai Chee (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Bedok (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Bedok North (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Bedok South (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Bukit Timah (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Bukit Batok (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Kreta Ayer (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Postmarks: Slogans, To 1950: 1980-84
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postal stationery, Envelopes: Postcards
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1896 Ibrahim issue: Essays and proofs
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1883/90 Selangor ovpts on 2c rose: Varieties
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Parcel Post label
| | |
Index |
Jalan Sultan Petaling Jaya (Selangor)
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Free mail period, 1945: First day covers
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: Dates of issue
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
For postal stationery associated with a stamp issue: Postmarks: Wavy lines
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: Postal stationery: Aerogrammes: 1981-90
| | |
Index |
Dumb cancellation, Wavy lines
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Wavy lines
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1879 5c and 7c ovpts.: Reasons for issue
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1871-90
| | |
Index |
UPU treaty
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Wood, Francis E. Straits Settlements postage stamps. Bettws‑y‑Coed: F.E.Wood, 1948.
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: 1870-79
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: 1880-99
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Webb, Francis Wynne. A philatelic and postal history of Hong Kong and the treaty ports of China and Japan. London : Royal Philatelic Society of London, 1961.
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: Postcards
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: I.S.C.A. Malaysia-Singapore-Brunei stamp catalogue (Title varies). Kuala Lumpur: ISCA, 1981-Annual: Reviews
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue: Watermark varieties
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue: Perforations
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue: Papers
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1921/24 Script CA wmk issue: Watermark varieties
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1921/24 Script CA wmk issue
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1921/24 Script CA wmk issue: Perforations
| | |
Index |
Ang Mo Kio (Singapore)
| | |
Index |
Trengganu: Cover
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Wood, Francis E. The postage stamps of the Native Protected States of Malaya. Parts I and II. Bettws‑y‑Coed: Reprint edition
| | |
Index |
TRENGGANU: Straits Settlements stamps used
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Use in other states and countries: Malayan States
| | |
Index |
SARAWAK: Airmails 1930s
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Shorrock, N. Lion in the sky Kuala Lumpur: Federal Publications, 1968.
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from Asia
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Airmails: 1931-40:
| | |
Index |
Sungei Patani (Kedah): Covers
| | |
Index |
Sungei Patani (Kedah): CDS
| | |
Index |
Kedah Agri-Horticultural & Livestock Exhibition... (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Cachets
| | |
Index |
Alor Star (Kedah): Cachets
| | |