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07 Dec 2019 14:51:41
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Journal / Periodical
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1985; Vol: 26
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Vol 26
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Index Names of persons and organizations: Malaya Study Group: Membership listings Complete lists (Issued as supplements)   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postmarks: Commemorative: Unissued   
Index SUNGEI UJONG: Revenue stamps   
Index SUNGEI UJONG: Revenue stamps: Judicial overprints   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Revenue stamps: Judicial stamps   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1921/23 KGV Script CA watermark: Dates of issue   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1918/21 Multiple Crown CA wmk. issue   
Index KELANTAN: Registration labels   
Index Kuala Krai (Kelantan): Registration labels   
Index Kota Bahru (Kelantan): Registration labels   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue: Essays   
Index De La Rue archive materials, Malay States   
Index SELANGOR: Postal history   
Index PERAK: Postal history: To 1910   
Index Sabak Bernam (Selangor)   
Index Teluk Anson (Perak)   
Index Sungei Pelek (Selangor)   
Index Tanjong Malim (Perak)   
Index Sungei Ayer Tawar (Selangor)   
Index Sungei Besar (Selangor)   
Index Sepang (Selangor)   
Index Kalumpang (Perak)   
Index Parit Buntar (Perak)   
Index Hutan Melintang (Perak)   
Index Kerling (Selangor)   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postal history   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Bozzolow   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Low, Hugh   
Index PERAK: History, To 1900   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: History: 1850-99   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: Penang   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: 1901-20   
Index Bukit Mertajam (Penang)   
Index Books and Journals: McCarthy, James. Surveying and exploring in South Siam, 1900   
Index Anglo-Siamese Treaty 1909   
Index Grik (Perak)   
Index Intan (Perak)   
Index Kroh (Perak)   
Index Malacca: Mobile post office   
Index Gemas (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Tebong (Malacca)   
Index Tampin (Negri Sembilan)   
Index Batang Malaka (Malacca)   
Index Postage stamps: : 1980 Ships   
Index Books and Journals: Haws, Duncan. Merchant fleets in profile 1. Cambridge: Patrick Stephens Ltd, 1978   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1922 Malaya‑Borneo Exhibition issue: Covers   
Index Ships: Murex   
Index Ships: Chusan   
Index Ships: Braganza   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: Late fees   
Index Late Fee Paid (Cachet)   
Index Penang: Covers: 1920s   
Index Penang: Cancellations, Duplex: Late Fee   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postal stationery, Essays and proofs: Registration envelopes   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1979 Flowers (all states): Unwatermarked   
Index MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1979 Flowers (all states): Printings   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1904/22 Multiple Block CA wmk issue: Bogus cancellations on dollar values   
Index Air mails: 1945-1960: Internal mails   
Index PENANG: Airmails   
Index PERAK: Postmarks: Japanese types   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1883 Crown CA issue: Bogus overprints   
Index Budaun City (India)   
Index Tongah Island   
Index Air mails: Flying boats   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Revenue cancellation   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Pickering, W.A.   
Index Protector of Chinese Penang (Cachet)   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue   
Index JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1960 Pictorial issue   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states)   
Index Tanah Rata (Perak)   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: Plates   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: Varieties   
Index MALACCA: Postage stamps: 1957 Pictorials   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): Perforation changes   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): 10c colour change   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): Paper   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): Plate numbers   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: Plate numbers   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: Withdrawal and invalidation   
Index MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957/60 Pictorial issue (all states): Withdrawal and invalidation   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Cameron, William   
Index KEDAH: Postal history: 1913-41   
Index PAHANG: Postal history, To 1905: Cameron Highlands   
Index TRENGGANU: Postal history: 1912-1941   
Index Cameron Highlands (Pahang)   
Index Arau (Perlis)   
Index PERLIS: Post offices and agencies   
Index PERLIS: Postal history   
Index Padang Besar (Perlis)   
Index Kuantan (Pahang)   
Index Kuala Perlis (Perlis)   
Index Jabor (Trengganu)   
Index Kangar (Perlis)   
Index Kaki Bukit (Perlis)   
Index Ringlet (Pahang)   
Index Ringlet (Pahang): Parcel cancellation   
Index Brinchang (Pahang)   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Young, Sir Arthur   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Maxwell, Sir William George   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Brockham, Sir Edward   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Fergusson-Davie, Rev C.J.   
Index Books and Journals: Malayan post offices: a list compiled for philatelists. London: Malaya Study Group   
Index Mobile post offices: To 1956   
Index Mobile post offices: 1957 to 1960   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Post offices and agencies, To 1939: Mobile post offices   
Index Bukit Mertajam (Penang): Mobile post office   
Index Relau (Kedah)   
Index Relau (Penang)   
Index Sungei Bakap (Penang)   
Index Kemayan (Pahang)   
Index Kuala Pilah (Negri Sembilan): Mobile post office   
Index Pelangai (Pahang)   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: Essays and proofs   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: Specimens   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: Numbers issued   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1940-42   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1931-35   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1928-30   
Index Air mails: Postage rates: 1936-39   
Index Air mails: Pan American Airways   
Index Air mails: KLM   
Index Air mails: Imperial Airways   
Index Air mails: Air mail labels: With red bars   
Index Air mails: 1931-1935: To and from USA and Americas   
Index Air mails: 1921-1930: To and from USA   
Index Alor Star (Kedah): Air mails   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: Airmails   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (KLM)   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Imperial Airways Limited   
Index Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from USA   
Index Penang: Covers: 1930s   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1930s   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1920s   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Covers: 1930s   
Index Air mails: Clipper covers   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author, v.2 1983. Review   
Index Books and Journals: Proud, E.B.: The Postal history of British Malaya. Heathfield: the author, v.3 1985. Review   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Issue: Papers   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Sultan Abu Bakar issue, 8c variety: Papers   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1938/41 Issue: Printings   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1938/41 Issue: Papers   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Papers   
Index SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Mosque issue, 2c: Printings   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1937/41 KGVI issue: Papers   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1937/41 KGVI issue: Printings   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Sultan Abu Bakar issue, 8c variety: Printings   
Index NEGRI SEMBILAN: Postage stamps: 1935/41 Issue: Printings   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue: Colour trials   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue   
Index Air mails: Cachets   
Index Air mails: 1931-1935: To and from Europe   
Index Air mails: 1931-1935: To and from UK   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Air mails: Covers 1930s   
Index England-Australia Opening Airmail Service Qantas Imperial Airways (Cachet)   
Index Singapore: Airmails: 1931-40:   
Index Air mails: 1931-1935: To and from Australasia   
Index Air mails: To 1920   
Index SELANGOR: Airmail 1920   
Index Klang (Selangor): Airmail   
Index Closed (Cachet)   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed: Returned to sender   
Index Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed   
Index Returned to sender (Cachet)   
Index SINGAPORE: Airmails: 1947‑63   
Index Air mails: 1945-1960: To and from UK   
Index Air mails: 1961-1976   
Index SINGAPORE: Airmails: 1964‑77   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage rates: Printed matter   
Index Postmarks: Printed matter types   
Index Postmarks: Postage due types   
Index Abbreviations, Checklist   
Index Initials, Checklist   
Index Books and Journals: McNair, J.F.A. Perak and the Malays: Sarong and kris. London Tinsley Bros, 1878; London : Cassell, 1898. Reprinted 1972.   
Index PERAK: Postage stamps: 1938/41 Issue: Japanese Occupation use   
Index S.D.U. B.M.A. (M) (Cachet)   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1890s   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal stationery: Postcards: Picture   
Index JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postmarks: Commemorative   
Index Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Japanese commemorative types   
Index Johore Bahru (Johore): Japanese pictorial marks   
Index On Government Service/S/Official Mail (Cachet)   
Index Penang: Cancellations, Duplex: Tax marks   
Index To Pay .... Cents (Boxed)   
Index Singapore Ship Letter (In circle)   
Index Singapore: Covers: 1840s   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postmarks: Paquebot and ship marks: Singapore   
Index Calcutta Ship Letter (Boxed cachet)   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Covers: Singapore   
Index STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postal history: To 1850   
Index Singapore Bearing (Cachet)   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue: Proofs   
Index FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900/01 issue: Specimens   
Index Books and Journals: Easton. John. The De La Rue history of British and foreign postage stamps 1855‑1901. London : Faber & Faber,1958.   
Index PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1897 bisects   
Index Ulu Pahang (Pahang): Covers   
Index Books and Journals: Nordenvall, Birger. Neues handbuch der Briefmarkenkunde. Wernfeld uber Gemunden/Main : Karl Bald.: -- Heft 44 Pahang 1972   
Index Books and Journals: Twentieth century impressions of British Malaya / Arnold Wright (editor). London: Lloyd’s Greater Britain Publishing Co., 1908   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Owen, John Fortescue   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Scott, Walter D   
Index Books and Journals: Who’s who in Malaya. Singapore: Julius Fisher, 1925   
Index Names of persons and organizations: Conlay, William Lance