Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: 1922 Malaya‑Borneo Exhibition issue: Perfin
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: Perfins
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Kelantan issues: General issues
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Kelantan issues: General issues: Printings
| | |
Index |
KELANTAN: Postage stamps: 1922 Malaya‑Borneo issue: 5c 14mm overprint
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Siam 1939-1948, postage stamps, stationery and postmarks. Bangkok: The Siam Philatelic Society, 1949.
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postal stationery, Postcard
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Kelantan issues: General issues: Numbers issued
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Japanese postal stationery used: Postage rates
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1945-1960: Internal mails
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Postage rates: 1947-49
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Timetables
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Revenue stamps: Cover
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: 5c Perak
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1945-1960: To and from Asia
| | |
Index |
NEGRI SEMBILAN: Perak stamps used
| | |
Index |
British Military Administration of Malaya: Postage stamps: SMC overprint
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Postage stamps: S.M.C. overprint
| | |
Index |
SINGAPORE: Cachets: Instructional
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postage stamps: 1895/99 Tiger and Elephant issue: Use in other states
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Singapore Municipal Commissioners
| | |
Index |
SMC (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Cachets, Buy British: Instructional
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Cancellations, Bar: Machine cancellations: In red
| | |
Index |
Port Dickson (Negri Sembilan): CDS
| | |
Index |
Please furnish complete address and postal code of your correspondent (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Drumochter (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1986 Agricultural Products definitives (all states): Checklist
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2002 Sultan Idris University
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2002 Stamp Week
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Year of the Goat
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Non-Aligned Meeting
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Roses
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Tunku Abdul Rahman
| | |
Index |
Cucub (Johore): Registration cachet
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Sultan Sharafuddin Coronation
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Fighting Fish
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Clock Towers
| | |
Index |
MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 Independence issue: First Day Cover
| | |
Index |
MALAYAN FEDERATION: 1957 National issue: First Day Covers
| | |
Index |
MALAYAN FEDERATION: First Day Covers 1948-57
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: 3c Negri Sembilan
| | |
Index |
First Day Covers 1948-57
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postage stamps: 1900 issue: Settings
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 1955 Ships: First Day Cover
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postage stamps: 1948 Silver Wedding, First Day Cover
| | |
Index |
Baru Star (Bogus CDS), on Johore)
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1937 Postage Dues, Cover: Forged cancellations
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postmarks: Forged
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
Railways: Development
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Railway parcel stamp
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1922/36 Script CA issue, 1c: Perforations
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1922/36 Script CA issue, 1c: 5c yellow, printings and usage
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1922/36 Script CA issue, 1c: Printings
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postal history: 1913-41
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: : 1922-39
| | |
Index |
FEDERATED MALAY STATES: Postal stationery, Essays and proofs: Registration envelopes
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: Postal stationery: New issues 2003
| | |
Index |
SINGAPORE: Postage labels: SAM labels: Checklist of post offices
| | |
Index |
SINGAPORE: Postage labels: SAM labels
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2001-05 Fish definitives
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 Miniatures of Singapore II, Souvenir pack
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 Greetings
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 MRT North East Line Opening
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 Healthcare Workers
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 National Day
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 Aircraft
| | |
Index |
TRENGGANU: Registration labels
| | |
Index |
Johore Bahru (Johore): Registration labels
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Covers: Airmail 1930s
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Registration labels
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Registration cachets
| | |
Index |
KELANTAN: Registration labels
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Registration cachets and labels
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Lyons, William H. Singapore Post Offices and registration labels. Malaya Study Group. 1990.
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1922/41 Script CA wmk issue: Covers
| | |
Index |
Johore Bahru (Johore): Registration cachets
| | |
Index |
Johore: Covers
| | |
Index |
Johore Bahru (Johore): CDS
| | |
Index |
Johore Bahru (Johore): Covers
| | |
Index |
Batu Pahat (Johore): Registration labels
| | |
Index |
Batu Pahat (Johore): CDS
| | |
Index |
Kluang (Johore), CDS: Registration label
| | |
Index |
Kota Tinggi (Johore): Registration label
| | |
Index |
Batu Anam (Johore)
| | |
Index |
Kuala Pontian (Pahang)
| | |
Index |
Mersing (Johore): Registration label
| | |
Index |
Muar (Johore): Registration labels
| | |
Index |
Scudai (Johore)
| | |
Index |
JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: 1942 Kelantan Seal overprints: Sunagawa seal overprint
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): CDS: K
| | |
Index |
TRENGGANU: Postage stamps: 1924/38 issue: Head plate variety
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Asian Broadcasters’ Conference cover
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Pan American Airways
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Imperial Airways
| | |
Index |
Air mails: BOAC
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Clipper covers
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from USA
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Postage rates: 1940-42:
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Forces: Naval
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Rectangular types
| | |
Index |
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: Covers
| | |
Index |
Field post offices, ANZUK FPO 5: British: SP 501
| | |
Index |
Malacca: CDS: Double circle type
| | |
Index |
Malacca: Covers
| | |
Index |
Passed by Censor Singapore (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Passed by Naval Censor (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Passed by Postal Censor Penang (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Peringatan (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Pusat Penyerahan Kuantan (Pahang), CDS
| | |
Index |
Tidak dituntut / dikembalikan (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Ipoh (Perak): Registration labels
| | |
Index |
Ipoh (Perak): Cachets, Dead Letter Office: Unclaimed
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Covers: 1960s
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed: Train letter cachets
| | |
Index |
Kuala Kubu (Selangor): CDS
| | |
Index |
Klang (Selangor): CDS
| | |
Index |
Ulu Langat (Selangor), Stamp Office cancellation
| | |
Index |
Serendah (Selangor)
| | |
Index |
Magistrate's Court + Town name
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Revenue stamps: Judicial stamps
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Revenue stamps: Judicial stamps: Places of use
| | |
Index |
SARAWAK: Bibliography
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Floyd, Barry. The white rajahs of Sarawak: a philatelic & historical study. Raunds, Northants: Traveller’s Tree Thematic Services, 2003. Review
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postal stationery: Registration envelopes: 1991 Youth Exhibition issue
| | |
Index |
Pameran Filateli Remaja / Hari Maybank - 25 Oktober 91 (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): CDS: K1
| | |
Index |
Surat Kereta Api (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Covers: 1930s
| | |
Index |
Ships: Glenapp
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Air mails: Covers 1930s
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1936-1942: Internal mails
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Wearne’s Air Services
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Postage rates: 1936-39
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Revenue stamps: Marine Policies
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postal stationery: Postcards: Free 1890
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed: Keretapi cachet
| | |
Index |
Keretapi (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postal stationery: 2003 new issues
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Islands and Beaches II
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 46th Anniversary of Independence
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Motor Cycles and Scooters
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 10th Islamic Summit Conference
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 50th World Children’s Day
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2003 Primates
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2004 Lighthouses
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2004 Conference on Biological Diversity
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2004 Jubilee of Sultan of Kelantan
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2004 Tourism Ministers’ Meeting
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 2004 Crocodiles
| | |
Index |
LABUAN: Straits Settlements stamps used
| | |
Index |
Brunei: Postage stamps: 1927 12c pale blue Water village
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: McKerron, Sir Patrick
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Gilmour, Andrew
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Hill, Carl Gibson
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Thio Chan Bee
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Kelantan issues
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Tett, David. The postal history of the Prisoners of War and civilian internees in East Asia during the Second World War. Volume 3: Burma, Thailand & Indochina. BFA Publishing, 2004. Review
| | |
Index |
TRENGGANU: Postmarks: Jawi types
| | |
Index |
TRENGGANU: Postmarks: To 1942
| | |
Index |
Kerteh (Trengganu): CDS
| | |
Index |
Kuala Besut (Trengganu): CDS
| | |
Index |
Kreteh (Trengganu): CDS
| | |
Index |
Kuala Kertay (Trengganu)
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Vanscolina, A.
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1986 Agricultural issue
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Watterson, Neville. British North Borneo, Brunei and Sarawak post-War 1ssues, and the Crown Agents: based on the Crown Agents’ requisition books. Northampton: Brock Publications, 2004. Review
| | |
Index |
Seremban (Negri Sembilan): Registration labels: Serenban error
| | |
Index |
Pengerang (Johore)
| | |
Index |
TRENGGANU: Postage stamps: 1987 Agricultural Products, Booklet
| | |
Index |
MALAYSIA: Postage stamps: 1996 Commonwealth Games III: Booklet
| | |
Index |
KELANTAN: Postage stamps: 1937/40 Issue, Covers
| | |
Index |
KELANTAN: Air mails
| | |
Index |
Air mails: 1936-1942: To and from Africa
| | |
Index |
Kota Bahru (Kelantan): Covers
| | |
Index |
Kota Bahru (Kelantan): Airmails
| | |
Index |
Penang: Airmails
| | |
Index |
Penang: Covers: 1940s
| | |
Index |
Penang: CDS: Malaya at base
| | |
Index |
KEDAH: Postage stamps: 1912 Block CA wmk issue: Watermark varieties
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Wearne’s Air Services: Christmas Flight 1937
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Airmails: 1931-40:
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Tax markings
| | |
Index |
Payable by Addressee.... (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Johore Bahru (Johore): Covers: 1990s
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 The Garden City
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 Nature Series album
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2003 Annual album
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Year of the Wood Monkey
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Art series
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Suzhou Industrial Park
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Singapore Skyline
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Trade and Industry
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: Postal stationery: New issues 2004
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 FIFA Centenary
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Festivals
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Historical Monuments
| | |
Index |
Postage stamps: : 2004 Olympic Games
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Reeves, William A. and Barry Dexter. Kelantan: its stamps and postal history. London: Malaya Study Group, 1992.
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Rattakul, Anatchai. The collection of championship class: a study of Thai mail 1688 to the end of King Chulalongkorn era. 2nd ed. Bangkok: the author, 1989.
| | |
Index |
Brunei: Bibliography
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Watterson, Neville. Sarawak and Brunei. The De La Rue ink colours. Northampton: Brock Publications, 2004. Review
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Revenue stamps, Kedah issues: Kelantan issues, Arms type
| | |
Index |
THAI OCCUPATION OF MALAYA: Postage stamps: Kelantan issues: General issues: Covers
| | |
Index |
STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Censor marks: Forged
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Censor marks, Forged
| | |
Index |
Censor markings, World War 2: Civilian: Triangular types: Forged
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: McQueen, Ian. Airmail directional handstamps. Bournemouth: The author, 2002. 2v.
| | |
Index |
Air mails: Cachets
| | |
Index |
Singapore: Cachets, Buy British: Per (Dutch) Air Mail. Singapore-Amsterdam...
| | |
Index |
Per (Dutch) Air Mail. Singapore-Amsterdam. Registered (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Per Imperial Air Mail (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
K.L.M. Royal Dutch Airlines (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lumpur (Selangor): Cancellations, Closed: MAHA Exhibition
| | |
Index |
“By Imperial Airways” (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
By Dutch Air-Mail - Alorstar - Amsterdam (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Alor Star (Kedah): Cachets
| | |
Index |
1-200: 2nd Class Air Mail (Cachet)
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: De La Rue and Co Ltd , Messrs Thomas,
| | |
Index |
Paper, Chalky: Manufacture
| | |
Index |
De La Rue papers
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Watterson, Neville. Sarawak and Brunei. The De La Rue ink colours. Northampton: Brock Publications, 2004.
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1891 Two Cents overprints: CENST error
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1896 Coronation overprints
| | |
Index |
JOHORE: Postage stamps: 1894 3 cents overprints
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Bentley, Howard
| | |
Index |
PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1898 overprint on plain paper
| | |
Index |
PAHANG: Postage stamps: 1897 bisects
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postage stamps: 1892/95 Leaping Tiger issue: 2c orange
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postage stamps: 1892/95 Leaping Tiger issue: 3 cents overprint
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1900 overprints
| | |
Index |
SELANGOR: Postage stamps: 1894 3 Cents overprint
| | |
Index |
Kuala Lipis (Pahang)
| | |
Index |
Taiping (Perak)
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Nelson, P.J.
| | |
Index |
Books and Journals: Wood, Francis E. The postage stamps of the Native Protected States of Malaya. Parts I and II. Bettws‑y‑Coed: F.E.Wood, 1948.
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postage stamps: 1895/99 Tiger and Elephant issue
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Hewitt, R.D.
| | |
Index |
Names of persons and organizations: Leech
| | |
Index |
PERAK: Postal receipts
| | |
Index |
Tidak Dikenali (Unknown)....(Boxed cachet)
| | |
Index |
Di-Kembalikan Retour (Boxed cachet)
| | |