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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
May 1973; Iss: 3
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Page Nos List:
May 1973
Number of Pages:
Iss: 3
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No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index cancels TOGO occupation and POWKilian
Index vorläufer on Germany OFFICES IN TURKEY stamps and postal stationery 
Index Offices in Turkey SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost): Deutsche Marine Schiffspost, 1914-1917 SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) Crusemann MSP (Marine Schiffspost) handbooks 
Index MSP (Marine Schiffspost) handbooks LITERATURE Crusemann 
Index G&CPS GROUP NEWS other societies 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Wertbrief, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index GERMAN WORDS Vorläufer (precursor usage) 
Index ArGe GROUP NEWS other societies 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Nachdruck (new printing) GERMAN WORDS Mitläufer (concurrent usage) 
Index GENERAL: yacht Hohenzollern GENERAL yacht HohenzollernHerbert
Index GENERAL: Dienstsiegel (official seals) GENERAL Dienstsiegel (official seals)Nicholson;
Index GERMAN WORDS: Dienstsiegel (official seal) GERMAN WORDS Dienstsiegel (official seal) 
Index general AUCTIONS Group auctions 
Index AUCTIONS: comments on auction houses AUCTIONS comments on auction houses 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Schaltersatz (window set) GERMAN WORDS Schatzpreis (estimate) 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Ausweiskarte, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index GERMAN WORDS Ausruf (minimum bid) 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Auflage (number issued) GERMAN WORDS Anweisung, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index Aufgeld (buyer's premium) 
Index Offices in China: 2mk SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index vorläufer: 2mk OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index Tientsin provisionals (Mi 8-14, I-IV) OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index Feldpost OAEC cancel OFFICES IN CHINA feldpost 
Index Siar hds GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index Red Cross auxiliary GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: GSWA (German South West Africa) Red Cross auxiliary cancel CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS GSWA (German South West Africa) Red Cross auxiliary cancel 
Index Futschau provisional (Mi 7) OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index vorläufer SAMOA stamps and postal stationery 
Index APIA, early SAMOA cancels and postal markingsDavis
Index SHIP LETTER LATE FEE marking SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels and postal markings 
Index Siar SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels and postal markings 
Index Red Cross auxiliary cancel GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA general 
Index Red Cross auxiliary cancel GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA feldpost 
Index Feldpost money order GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA feldpost 
Index Zanzibar, piece GERMAN EAST AFRICA Lamu, Witu, Zanzibar 
Index SOUFFLAY KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index Marschall overprint (Mi 1I-41, 1II-6II) MARSHALL ISLANDS stamps and postal stationeryDavis
Index Mariana Islands SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index vorläufer MARIANA ISLANDS stamps and postal stationery 
Index SERENDIPITY: Pisa cash franking SERENDIPITY Watch your StempelWenzel
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: cancel varieties CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS cancel varietiesWenten
Index GENERAL: 2mk vorläufer GENERAL 2mk vorläufer 
Index MSP (Marine Schiffspost) #71 on 2mk OFFICES IN CHINA cancels and postal markings 
Index vorläufer: 2mk OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index yacht and flag mourning MODERN LABELS, CARDS AND CANCELS labels 
Index Vergiss nicht MODERN LABELS, CARDS AND CANCELS labels 
Index Wohlfahrtsmarke, Konigen Luise MODERN LABELS, CARDS AND CANCELS labels 
Index postal stationery: reply card used from Germany MARIANA ISLANDS stamps and postal stationeryDoyle
Index POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS: reply cards used in or from Germany POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS reply cards used in or from Germany 
Index used in occupation mail POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS postal forms 
Index OCCUPATION AND POW: covers during WW1, use of IRC (International Reply Coupon)s, Hulfsverein OCCUPATION AND POW covers during WW1, use of IRC (International Reply Coupon)s, Hulfsverein 
Index occupation and POW covers, IRC (International Reply Coupon)s, Hulfsverein GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA occupation and POWFox
Index Feldpost cards GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA feldpostNicholson
Index FELDPOST: Soldatenstempel, Soldatenbrief FELDPOST Soldatenstempel, Soldatenbrief 
Index BRACKWASSER wanderstempel GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings