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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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February 1978; Iss: 32
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Feb 1978
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Iss: 32
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Index #7: call for AUCTIONS Group auctions 
Index GROUP NEWS: no dues GROUP NEWS no dues 
Index LITERATURE: Friedemann translation project LITERATURE Friedemann translation project 
Index DARESSALAM *b GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index forwarded card, postage added GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index EITAPE GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index GENERAL: comments on Michel GENERAL yacht Hohenzollern 
Index LITERATURE: errors LITERATURE errors 
Index Valdiva provisional (Mi 3FI?, 4H) KAMERUN stamps and postal stationery 
Index Kamerun Valdiva provisional (Mi 3H7, 4H) SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping lines and schedules 
Index Wuga provisionals (Mi III-IV) GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationerySommerville
Index perforated initials GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA general 
Index GENERAL: perforated initials GENERAL perforated initialsGeorge
Index Boxer covers and cards OFFICES IN CHINA feldpost 
Index fake yacht issue GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index postal forms:: Kartenbrief, Briefkarten GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationeryWenten, Kilian
Index fake overprints MARSHALL ISLANDS stamps and postal stationery 
Index postal forms:: Kartenbrief, Briefkarten GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationeryWenten, Kilian
Index Briefkarte (mail bag report form) POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS postal forms 
Index Kartenbrief POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS postal formsWenten, Kilian
Index OLUKONDA GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GOCHAS wanderstempel GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index censor markings KAMERUN occupation and POW 
Index censor mark KAMERUN feldpost 
Index MUSOMA GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Tientsin provisionals (Mi 8-14, I-IV): Mi 13S OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationeryMeyer
Index results AUCTIONS Fox (1977) Kroboth auction 
Index Ausweiskarte (postal ID card) POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS postal formsBonne
Index Spanish forerunners MARIANA ISLANDS stamps and postal stationeryDuran
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: forwarded mail, irrläufer CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS forwarded mail, irrläuferWenten
Index GENERAL: mixed and double frankings GENERAL postal stationery cut out used on cover, 29:3 forwarded mail, postage added 
Index LITERATURE: Second Tsingtau Provisional Issue LITERATURE The Rulers of German Africa, reviewKnight
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: SWA under South African Administration, 1914-1917 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA The Rulers of German Africa, reviewKnight
Index KAROLINE ISLANDS: stamps and postal stationery KAMERUN The Rulers of German Africa, reviewKnight
Index NEU-GUINEA ZWEIGLINIE cancel KAROLINE ISLANDS cancels and postal markingsClowes
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: The War in East Africa GERMAN EAST AFRICA The Rulers of German Africa, reviewKnight
Index OFFICES IN TURKEY: stamps and postal stationery TOGO The Rulers of German Africa, reviewKnight
Index Neu Guinea Zweiglinie SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping lines and schedulesClowes
Index fake KAMERUN occupation and POWClowes
Index Samoa in 1977 SAMOA generalBelau
Index Tsingtau provisional (5pf overprint, Mi 2-4): Wedelstadt strip stolen KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index TAVETA Feldpost covers, hds registration labels GERMAN EAST AFRICA feldpost 
Index Askari cover GERMAN EAST AFRICA feldpost 
Index STEPHANSORT * GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index Tientsin provisionals (Mi 8-14, I-IV): Mi 13S OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationeryMeyer
Index Tientsin provisionals (Mi 8-14, I-IV): Mi 13S OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationerySomerville