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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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June 1983; Iss: 60
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Jun 1983
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Iss: 60
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Index Vorläufer LITERATURE indexes to Colonies articles in journalsDoyle
Index GROUP NEWS: Group journal, Vorläufer GROUP NEWS Hennig talk at (NY) Collectors Club 
Index GPS-SEPAD (1983) GROUP NEWS shows 
Index Offices in Turkey: fake SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index vorläufer on Germany: fake OFFICES IN TURKEY stamps and postal stationery 
Index #14: call for AUCTIONS Group auctions 
Index Lamu, piece: cover GERMAN EAST AFRICA Lamu, Witu, Zanzibar 
Index OKAHANDJA wanderstempel, siege cancel: two line cancel alone GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index DEULON: ~ GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index EPUKIRO wanderstempel: fake GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Tientsin provisionals (Mi 8-14, I-IV): Mi I OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index MARANGU: card GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index KISAKI, card GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index OKAUKWEJO, cover GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Scharnhorst provisional (Mi 20) KAROLINE ISLANDS stamps and postal stationery 
Index Atoll post MARSHALL ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index APIA, boxed: cover SAMOA cancels and postal markings 
Index 1916 Vorausfrankierungen covers, Mi VU I-III: mixed franking GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index LUDERITZBUCHT: last day cover GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Witu: tete beche pair GERMAN EAST AFRICA Lamu, Witu, Zanzibar 
Index overprints: double overprint (Mi BB16d) GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index OTAVI wanderstempel GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index ROSSING RR: cover GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Atoll post KAROLINE ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: Postal History of GEA (German East Africa) GERMAN EAST AFRICA compilation of GEA (German East Africa) towns vs. serving PO 
Index LITERATURE: GPS German-English Dictionary LITERATURE compilation of GEA (German East Africa) towns vs. serving POs 
Index 1983 Lüderitzbucht centennial MODERN LABELS, CARDS AND CANCELS cards, cancels and shows 
Index Lüderitzbucht 1883-1983 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA generalJacobson
Index LUDERITZBUCHT: 1883-1893 history GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markingsJacobson
Index SERENDIPITY: Togo AGOME-PALIME cancel SERENDIPITY Samoa ALEIPATA cut-down coverDavis
Index ALEIPATA: cut-down cover SAMOA cancels and postal markingsDavis
Index early cover from KIETA GERMAN NEW GUINEA mixed frankingClowes
Index GENERAL: postal rates GENERAL registration labels 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: multiple frankings CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS registration label misspellings 
Index GENERAL: album pages GENERAL mixed and double frankings 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: cancel varieties CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS multiple frankings 
Index 1Rupie wm (Mi 38): on Satzbrief GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index 1916 and 1917 year date slugs GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index MAHENGE: 1917 date GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index vorläufer: fake 1.1.91 and 14.1.92 GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index removal CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS fake or unknown cancels 
Index LITERATURE: Crusemann LITERATURE Cameo, journal of British West Africa Study Circle 
Index Woermann capture, stamps siezed KAMERUN occupation and POW 
Index disposal of captured mail KAMERUN occupation and POWMartin
Index SSANGO-NGOKO: name change to LOMIE KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Strafporte (fraudulent attempt to avoid postage) GERMAN WORDS SS, pronunciation of initial 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: registration label misspellings CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS cancel name changes 
Index SONGEA (German East Africa)/SSONGEA (German East Africa) name change GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index SINGIDDA (never issued) GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index postal forms:: Einlieferungschein GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationeryNicholson
Index Einlieferungschein (postal receipt form) POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS postal formsNicholson
Index 1914 GEA (German East Africa) Landesausstellung MODERN LABELS, CARDS AND CANCELS cards, cancels and shows 
Index LUDERITZBUCHT: 1983 commemorative cancel GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index overprints: double overprint GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index Lüderitzbucht 1883-1983 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA general 
Index LANDESAUSSTELLUNG 1914 show, labels and cancels GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index #14: results AUCTIONS Group auctions 
Index #15: call for AUCTIONS Group auctions