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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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April 1983; Iss: 59
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Apr 1983
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Iss: 59
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Key Words 
Index modern stamps MARSHALL ISLANDS general 
Index 1983/84 LITERATURE Michel catalogs, 1976 
Index GROUP NEWS: slide show GROUP NEWS appreciation awards for Col, W. E. Davis 
Index GROUP NEWS: Hennig talk at (NY) Collectors Club GROUP NEWS theft of Heinrich collection 
Index GROUP NEWS: group sales circuit? GROUP NEWS no dues 
Index OTYIMBINGUE: used in USAB (fake) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index #14: call for AUCTIONS Group auctions 
Index removal CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS fake or unknown cancels 
Index GENERAL: never-hinged GENERAL Heinrich collection theft 
Index YANGTSE LIME OFFICES IN CHINA cancels and postal markings 
Index GENERAL: delayed mail GENERAL postal rates 
Index Nachnahme (cash on delivery) label GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index modem stamps MARIANA ISLANDS general 
Index modern stamps KAROLINE ISLANDS general 
Index YANGTSE LIME SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels and postal markings 
Index OCCUPATION AND POW: covers during WW1, use of IRC (International Reply Coupon)s, Hulfsverein OCCUPATION AND POW Japanese commemerative cancel 
Index Woleai (Oleai, Uliai) atoll KAROLINE ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index Japanese commemerative cancel GERMAN NEW GUINEA mixed franking 
Index revenue stamps, report of 25pf GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index Tientsin provisionals (Mi 8-14, I-IV): Peking fake OFFICES IN CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index auction agents AUCTIONS bidding in foreign auctions 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: Munich letter carrier handstamp CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS first day cancels 
Index MAHENGE: nebeneinanderliegenden cancels GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Wuga provisionals (Mi III-IV) GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index Konigsberg, Mowe provisionals (Mi IIa-Iif) GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Neudruck (reprint) GERMAN WORDS nebeneinanderliegenden cancels 
Index SOUFFLAY: cover KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index Kiautschou SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index Tsingtau provisional (5pfg overprint, Mi 1I-1II): first day card KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index vorläufer, on Offices in China stamps: cover KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index vorläufer, on German stamps: cover KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index SMYRNA boxed, Rosinenstempel: cover OFFICES IN TURKEY cancels and postal markings 
Index auxiliary cancels (AUS JERUSALEM, AUS JAFFA, AUS RAMLEH, AUS SARONA, RISCHÖN-LE-ZION, TEMPEL KOLONIE): covers OFFICES IN TURKEY cancels and postal markings 
Index cover to telegraph station KAMERUN feldpost 
Index OKAUKWEJO, cover GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Stationstempel (MISAHÖHE, SANSANNE MANGU, ATAKPAME, BASARI, . KETE-HEDWIGSWA (German South West Africa)RT, KETEKRATSCHI, KPANDU) TOGO cancels and postal markings 
Index Graf Spee squadron delayed mail, buried at Ponape KAROLINE ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index vorläufer: postcards SAMOA stamps and postal stationery 
Index APIA, boxed: cover SAMOA cancels and postal markings 
Index APIA, early SAMOA cancels and postal markings 
Index SERENDIPITY: Kiautschou SCHANGHAI TIENTSIN seaport cancel SERENDIPITY GSWA (German South West Africa) seapost cancelCoulton
Index Ost Afrikanische Linie SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping lines and schedulesCoulton
Index OST AFRIKA LIME GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markingsCoulton
Index inverted day and month slug CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS cancel varieties 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Schnapsdatum GERMAN WORDS Schaltersatz (window set)Fritzsche
Index POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS: query about proof and Specimen cards POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS envelope used for SchaltersatzFritzsche
Index Stephan, laying telegraph cables off GNG German New Guinea) SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping lines and schedules 
Index photos of German surrender GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA feldpost 
Index Stephan, laying telegraph cables GERMAN NEW GUINEA general 
Index ArGe Gunzenhausen (1984) GROUP NEWS shows 
Index YAP: philatelic hds 6.11.99 KAROLINE ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index diagonal overprints (Mi 1I-6I) KAROLINE ISLANDS stamps and postal stationery 
Index Jap (sic) registration label KAROLINE ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: registration label misspellings CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS registration label misspellingsDavis
Index GENERAL: registration labels GENERAL registration labelsDavis
Index study of registration labels GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index Otjimbingwe (sic) registration label GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index Seipan (sic) registration label MARIANA ISLANDS cancels and postal markings 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: multiple frankings CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS multiple frankings 
Index mixed and double frankings,: special cash franking OFFICES IN CHINA cancels and postal markingsKilian
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: postage due and Strafporte markings, T marking CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS cash frankings (Barfrankierungen, Vorausfrankierungen)Kilian
Index history of German period KAROLINE ISLANDS generalHanlon