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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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September 1987; Iss: 68
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Sep 1987
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Iss: 68
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Key Words 
Index CHICAGOPEX 1987 German Colonies GCCG News shows exhibits 
Index OTJIHAVERA OTJIHAVERARIVIER Friedemann (handbook) 118 cover German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index Dr. Friedrich Steuer German Colonies Expertization Fraudulent Material  
Index HBCME mark German Colonies Offices In Turkey cancels postal markings 
Index membership changes correction German Colonies GCCG News  
Index DEUTSCHES SCHUTZGEBIET German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index DEUTSCHES SCHUTZGEBIET on Offices in China postcard German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index GROSS-BATANGA Friedemann (handbook) 28 German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index KAMERUN-BIAFRAKÜSTE Friedemann (handbook) Sch.E.1 German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index Hamburg Amerika Packet Gesellschaft HAPAG (Hamburg-America Line) takeover of Shanghai-Tientsin and Yangtse Linien German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping line  
Index Shanghai-Tientsin line contract date German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping line  
Index Shanghai-Tientsin line takeover by HAPAG (Hamburg-America Line) German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping line  
Index Yangtse Linie takeover by HAPAG (Hamburg-America Line) German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping line  
Index 1886 - 1986 A Century of German Ship Posts German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Drechsel
Index A Century and a Quarter of Reederei F. Laeisz 1886 - 1986 A Century of German Ship Posts German Colonies Literature Handbooks Drechsel
Index Bluejackets and Boxers - Australia’s Naval Expedition to the Boxer Uprising German Colonies Offices In China literatureNicholls
Index Bluejackets and Boxers -Australia’s Naval Expedition to the Boxer Uprising German Colonies Literature Handbooks Nicholls
Index German ‘Seepost’ Cancellations 1886 - 1939 German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings literatureCockrill, Gottspenn
Index German ‘Seepost’ Cancellations 1886 - 1939 German Colonies Literature Handbooks Cockrill, Gottspenn
Index German ‘Seepost’ Cancellations 1886 - 1939 German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Cockrill, Gottspenn
Index Philatelic Bibliophile German Colonies Literature Sources Leonard Hartmann
Index Philip Cockrill German Colonies Literature Sources  
Index Postal History International German Colonies Literature Index Reprint Reviews Doyle
Index Postal History International index to German Colonies articles German Colonies German East Africa Doyle
Index Proud-Bailey German Colonies Literature Sources  
Index Robson Lowe German Colonies Literature Sources  
Index The Atoll Post or Manuscript Cancellations of the German Marshall Islands German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings literatureLaup
Index The Atoll Post or Manuscript Cancellations of the German Marshall Islands German Colonies Literature Handbooks Laup
Index The Atoll Post or Manuscript Cancellations of the German Marshall Islands German Colonies Marshall Inseln Laup
Index The Atoll Post or Manuscript Cancellations of the German Marshall Islands German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Laup
Index The Boxer Rebellion German Colonies Offices In China literatureBodin
Index The Boxer Rebellion German Colonies Literature Handbooks Bodin
Index The Siege of the Peking Legation German Colonies Offices In China literatureGiles
Index The Siege of the Peking Legation German Colonies Literature Handbooks Giles
Index 1901 issue Michel (catalog) 11-21 Michel (catalog) 14I German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationeryWenten
Index plate flaws German Colonies General Wenten
Index GSWA (German South West Africa) postcard / advertising overprint German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms Doyle
Index GSWA (German South West Africa) postcards / advertising overprint German Colonies Card cancel exhibition Doyle
Index postal stationery modern advertising card German Colonies German South West Africa stamps and postal stationeryDoyle
Index 1 Rupie wm genuinely used Michel (catalog) 38Ab correction German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index 1897 issue Michel (catalog) 1-6 German Colonies German New Guinea stamps postal stationery 
Index AMERIPEX 1986 correction German Colonies GCCG News shows exhibits 
Index captured Marshall Inseln stamps used in New Britain German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index membership changes German Colonies GCCG News  
Index postal history German Colonies German New Guinea general 
Index postal stationery German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index postal stationery correction German Colonies German South West Africa stamps and postal stationery 
Index vorläufer cancels German Colonies German New Guinea cancels postal markings 
Index VORLÄUFER errata German Colonies GCCG News GCCG journal VORLÄUFER 
Index earliest known use Offices Offices in Turkey Michel (catalog) PU1III German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index Ponape GNG German New Guinea) card German Colonies German New Guinea generalGroth-Marnat
Index Ponape GNG German New Guinea) postcard German Colonies Karolinen generalGroth-Marnat
Index postal stationery Michel (catalog) PU1III Michel (catalog) PU1III earliest known use German Colonies Offices In Turkey  
Index VORLÄUFER errata German Colonies GCCG News GCCG journal VORLÄUFER 
Index ‘Herbertshöhe’ German Colonies German New Guinea cancels postal markings 
Index Atoll post Diana cover German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index Atoll post Diana cover German Colonies Marshall Inseln cancels postal markings 
Index Atoll post Diana cover German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) shipping line  
Index Australian occupation cover German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index Diana cover German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Drechsel German Colonies collection German Colonies Auction Dealer Named sale 
Index OHMS (British Official Mail) cover German Colonies Samoa feldpost occupation POW 
Index overprints German Colonies Samoa feldpost occupation POW 
Index Empire stamps vorläufer cover German Colonies Offices In Turkey stamp 
Index GROOTFONTEIN Friedemann (handbook) 37 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index overprints cover German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index POMONAHÜGEL Friedemann (handbook) 133 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index diagonal overprints Michel (catalog) 1I-6I cover German Colonies Marianen stamps postal stationery 
Index ISLAS MARIANAS German Colonies Marianen cancels postal markings 
Index Lamu cover German Colonies German East Africa  
Index STAB VON DER BOLTZ / SONDERMISSION German Colonies Offices In Turkey cancels postal markings 
Index vorläufer German Colonies Kamerun stamps postal stationery 
Index GEA (German East Africa) PPO (printed to private order) cards German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index MARANGU Friedemann (handbook) 34 German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markingsWenten
Index PPO (printed to private order) cards German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index Kilian retirement German Colonies Expertization Fraudulent Material