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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1993; Iss: 91
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Jun 1993
Number of Pages:
Iss: 91
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Key Words 
Index 1896 issue Michel (catalog) 6-10 proofs German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index Davis Award German Colonies GCCG News shows exhibits 
Index EITAPE Friedemann (handbook) 4 Friedemann (handbook) 4 fake German Colonies German New Guinea cancels postal markings 
Index TANGER a Friedemann (handbook) 38 fake German Colonies Offices In Morocco cancels and postal markings 
Index Samoa internees 1914 - 1915 German Colonies Occupation POW Humphreys
Index Samoa internees 1914 - 1915 German Colonies Samoa feldpost occupation POWHumphreys
Index membership changes German Colonies GCCG News  
Index Japanese occupation cover ‘Johna’ covers German Colonies Karolinen cancels and postal markingsSpaulding
Index Japanese occupation cover I. J. O. / PONAPE’ overprints German Colonies Karolinen cancels and postal markings 
Index Japanese occupations of GNG German New Guinea) ‘I. J. O. / PONAPE’ overprints German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index Japanese occupations of GNG German New Guinea) fake ‘Johna’ covers German Colonies Occupation POW Spaulding
Index Butaritara postcard German Colonies Marshall Inseln generalLee
Index Africa Today German Colonies Literature Handbooks  
Index Graf Spee’s fleet German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature  
Index The American Philatelist German Colonies Literature Index Reprint Reviews Peterson
Index GEA (German East Africa) revenues German Colonies General Farrant
Index revenue stamps Deutsche Ost Afrika Linie revenues German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationeryFarrant
Index 1 Rupie wm genuinely used Michel (catalog) 38Ab German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index 1901 issue Michel (catalog) 11-21 Michel (catalog) 21aI German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index Adolph Woermann German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index OST- AFRIKA- LINIE German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index 1905/19 issue Michel (catalog) 20-25 Michel (catalog) 25 German Colonies Kamerun stamps postal stationery 
Index booklets GEA (German East Africa) German Colonies General  
Index booklets Michel (catalog) MH1-3 Michel (catalog) R6W on postcard German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index OTYIMBINGUE Friedemann (handbook) 120 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index overprints Michel (catalog) BB5DD German Colonies Kamerun occupation and POW 
Index vorläufer cover German Colonies German South West Africa stamps and postal stationery 
Index KAMERUN Friedemann (handbook) 35 no year date Friedemann (handbook) 35I German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index postal stationery German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index TSCHIANGLING Friedemann (handbook) NSt1 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index TSINGTAU-KIAUTSCHOU RR Friedemann (handbook) BP1 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index vorläufer German Colonies Kamerun stamps postal stationery 
Index Darmstadt German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index MARINE- SCHIFFSPOST German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings Kenworthy
Index troop transports German Colonies Offices In China Boxer RebellionKenworthy
Index Alabama German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Eduard Woermann German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship Maddocks
Index S. S. EDUARD WOERMANN German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings Maddocks
Index Hanna Skogland German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Modesta German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index group accounts German Colonies GCCG News