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September 1993; Iss: 92
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Sep 1993
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Iss: 92
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Index 1898 issue German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index HANKAU Friedemann (handbook) 6 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index primer on German Colonies cancels German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings Meyer
Index SCHANGHAI a Friedemann (handbook) 18 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index SHANGHAI a Friedemann (handbook) 15 Friedemann (handbook) 15 fake German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index SHANGHAI a Friedemann (handbook) 16 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index SHANGHAI Friedemann (handbook) 14 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index foreign cancels on German Colonies stamps PAQUEBOT-related German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index JAKALSWATER Friedemann (handbook) 52 53 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index Liverpool PACKET German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index Liverpool PACKET German Colonies Togo cancels postal markings 
Index MARINE- SCHIFFSPOST German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index OST-ASIATISCHE LINIE German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index PAQUEBOT foreign cancels on German Colonies stamps German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index TSINGTAU-KIAUTSCHOU RR Friedemann (handbook) BP2 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index YANGTSE-LINIE German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index 1889 APIA provisionals Friedemann (handbook) 4 5 German Colonies Samoa cancels and postal markings 
Index foreign cancels on German Colonies stamps PAQUEBOT-related German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index Grootfontein three-line Friedemann (handbook) 89 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings Maltahöhe 
Index K. D. FELDPOSTSTATION Nr. 3 Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost5 German Colonies German South West Africa feldpost 
Index SCHANGHAI a Friedemann (handbook) 18 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index SHANGHAI a Friedemann (handbook) 15 Friedemann (handbook) 15 fake German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index SHANGHAI a Friedemann (handbook) 16 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index SHANGHAI Friedemann (handbook) 14 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index ‘Lbucht’ manuscript Friedemann (handbook) 88 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index German cancels on German Colonies stamps German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index German cancels on Offices in China stamps German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index PONAPE Dienstsiegel Friedemann (handbook) 4 German Colonies Karolinen cancels and postal markings 
Index 1972 Papua New Guinea stamp German Colonies German New Guinea generalMaddocks
Index Rev. Johannes Flierl German Colonies German New Guinea generalMaddocks
Index GEA (German East Africa) PPO (printed to private order) cards white address side German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index Japanese POW camps German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index PPO (printed to private order) cards white address side German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index 1914 siege of Kiautschou German Colonies Kiautschou Feldpost Occupation POW 
Index Belgian occupation cancels German Colonies German East Africa occupation POW 
Index German Colonialism and the South West Africa Company 1894 - 1914 German Colonies German South West Africa literatureVoeltz
Index German Colonialism and the South West Africa Company 1894 - 1914 German Colonies Literature Handbooks Voeltz
Index Nama/Namibia Diary and Letters of Chief Hendrik Wittboi 1884 - 1894 German Colonies German South West Africa literatureGugelberger
Index Nama/Namibia Diary and Letters of Chief Hendrik Wittboi 1884-1894 German Colonies Literature Handbooks Gugelberger
Index 1904 Herero rebellion postal history German Colonies German South West Africa feldpost 
Index African Intrigue German Colonies Literature Handbooks Batson
Index African Intrigue German Colonies Togo literatureBatson
Index Appam capture German Colonies Kamerun occupation and POW 
Index Appam capture POWs USA internment German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Appam capture POWs USA internment German Colonies Togo general 
Index Ayesha German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index capture of Appam German Colonies Occupation POW Bratzel
Index Cormoran German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Count Luckner the Sea Devil German Colonies Literature Handbooks Thomas
Index Count Luckner the Sea Devil German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Thomas
Index Edward Hamilton German Colonies Literature Sources  
Index Emden German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Emden the Story of the Famous Cruiser German Colonies Literature Handbooks Franz Joseph
Index Emden the Story of the Famous Cruiser German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Franz Joseph
Index interoffice accounting forms German Colonies German South West Africa stamps and postal stationery 
Index Portoabrechnung German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index postal forms German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index postal history German Colonies German New Guinea general 
Index Seeadler Count von Luckner German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index The Ayesha Landing Squad of the Emden German Colonies Literature Handbooks Von Mücke
Index The Ayesha Landing Squad of the Emden German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Von Mücke
Index The Carrier Corps Military Labor in the East African Campaign 1914 - 1918 German Colonies German East Africa Hodges
Index The Carrier Corps Military Labor in the East African Campaign 92 10 1914-1918 German Colonies Literature Handbooks Hodges
Index The Frustrated Raider the Story of the German Cruiser ‘‘Cormoran’’ in WW1 German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Burdick
Index The Frustrated Raider the Story of the German Cruiser Cormoran in WW1 German Colonies Literature Handbooks Burdick
Index The Race to Fashoda German Colonies Literature Handbooks Lewis
Index The Revolt of the Hereros German Colonies German South West Africa literatureBridgeman
Index The Revolt of the Hereros German Colonies Literature Handbooks Bridgeman
Index The Samoan Tangle A Study in Anglo-German-American Relations 1878 - 1900 German Colonies Literature Handbooks Kennedy
Index The Samoan Tangle A Study in Anglo-German-American Relations 1878 - 1900 German Colonies Samoa literatureKennedy
Index The Scholars Bookshelf German Colonies Literature Sources  
Index The Ship that Changed the World the Escape of the Goeben to the Dardanelles in 1914 German Colonies Literature Handbooks van der Vat
Index The Ship that Changed the World the Escape of the Goeben to the Dardanelles in 1914 German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature van der Vat
Index The Siege at Peking the Boxer Rebellion German Colonies Offices In China literatureFleming
Index The Siege at Peking the Boxer Rebellion German Colonies Literature Handbooks Fleming
Index Japanese occupation cover Etscheit German Colonies Karolinen cancels and postal markingsSpaulding
Index Japanese occupations of GNG German New Guinea) German Colonies Occupation POW Spaulding
Index packet cards German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationeryMaddocks
Index vorläufer German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index 1897/1899 ‘Marschall’ overprint Michel (catalog) 1I-4I 1II-6II German Colonies Marshall Inseln stamps postal stationery 
Index Boxer provisionals Michel (catalog) Va-Vm Vaa-Vaf VIa-VIn German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index CONSTANTINOPEL NPA Friedemann (handbook) 3 German Colonies Offices In Turkey cancels postal markings 
Index K.D. FELD-POSTSTATION No 2 PEKING KAISERPALAST Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost9 FeldpostN2 German Colonies Offices In China Boxer Rebellion 
Index NDP (Norddeutscher Postbezirk) stamps vorläufer German Colonies Offices In Turkey stamp 
Index Tsingtau provisional 5 Pfg overprint Michel (catalog) 1I-1II Michel (catalog) 1IIa sheet German Colonies Kiautschou stamps and postal stationery 
Index vorläufer German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index Zanzibar German Colonies German East Africa  
Index 1895 APIA provisional Friedemann (handbook) 7 German Colonies Samoa cancels and postal markings 
Index vorläufer German Colonies Samoa stamps postal stationery 
Index Boxer provisionals Michel (catalog) Va-Vm Vaa-Vaf VIa-VIn German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index DIMPS / G.A.C. sales circuits German Colonies GCCG News GCCG journal VORLÄUFER 
Index group accounts German Colonies GCCG News  
Index K.D. FELD-POSTSTATION No 2 PEKING KAISERPALAST Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost9 FeldpostN2 German Colonies Offices In China Boxer Rebellion 
Index 1916 Vorausfrankierungen covers Michel (catalog) VUI-III German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index COLOPEX 1992 German Colonies GCCG News shows exhibits 
Index ‘ZURÜCK WEGEN KRIEGSZUSTAND’ German Colonies Samoa cancels and postal markings 
Index ‘ZURÜCK’ markings ‘WEGEN KRIEGSZUSTAND’ German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index boxed ...ERUN cancel German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index German censorship at start of WW1 German Colonies Samoa cancels and postal markings 
Index German censorship at start of WW1 German Colonies Samoa feldpost occupation POW 
Index Japanese occupation German Colonies Marshall Inseln occupation POW 
Index Japanese occupation covers German Colonies Marianen general 
Index Japanese occupations of GNG German New Guinea) German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index Japanese occupations of GNG German New Guinea) of Marianen German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index foreign cancels on German Colonies stamps PAQUEBOT-related German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index Liverpool PACKET German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index Liverpool PACKET German Colonies Togo cancels postal markings 
Index PAQUEBOT foreign cancels on German Colonies stamps German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index Sierra Leone cancel on Kamerun postcard German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index Grätz motorcar 1911-1912 trans-Africa expeditions 1907-1909 motor boat German Colonies German East Africa  
Index Grätz motorcar 1911-1912 trans-Africa expeditions 1907-1909 motor boat German Colonies German South West Africa general 
Index modern fantasy stamps German Colonies Marshall Inseln generalDoyle
Index modern Marshall Islands fantasy stamps German Colonies Labels Doyle
Index postcard to Natal German Colonies Offices In Turkey cancels postal markings