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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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September 1995; Iss: 100
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Sep 1995
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Iss: 100
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Index issue #100 German Colonies GCCG News GCCG journal VORLÄUFER 
Index MORA Friedemann (handbook) 46 manuscript ‘15’ year date German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index ‘Ausstellungs-Kommission /Omaruru 1910’ German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index 1910 Omaruru exhibition German Colonies German South West Africa general 
Index FLOREX 1995 German Colonies GCCG News shows exhibits 
Index GCCG meeting at PITTPEX 1995 German Colonies GCCG News shows exhibits 
Index Flaggenpost German Colonies Kamerun feldpostSchlieper
Index Flaggenpost Parlamentärpost German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index AKONOLINGA Friedemann (handbook) 3 German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index EBOLOWA Friedemann (handbook) 23-24 German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index Dobell and Cunliffe reports German Colonies Kamerun occupation and POW 
Index German Reich archives German Colonies Literature Sources  
Index List of German Units and Officers in G.S.W.A. German Colonies German South West Africa literature 
Index List of German Units and Officers in G.S.W.A. German Colonies Literature Handbooks  
Index KLEIN-POPO Friedemann (handbook) 10 post offices German Colonies Togo cancels postal markings 
Index LOME Friedemann (handbook) 14 post offices German Colonies Togo cancels postal markings 
Index 1897-1899 Kandt von Grawert Nile expedition German Colonies German East Africa Ellis
Index GRÜNDORN Friedemann (handbook) 40 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markingsEllis
Index mail with Cape transit cancels German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markingsEllis
Index mail with Cape transit markings German Colonies German South West Africa generalEllis
Index UJIJI Friedemann (handbook) 70 German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markingsEllis
Index overprints Michel (catalog) FB7I variety German Colonies Togo French occupation POWSchlieper
Index ‘Marke Bildseitig’ German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index ‘Marke Bildseitig’ German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index 1890 Anglo-German treaty correction German Colonies General  
Index 1890 Anglo-German treaty correction German Colonies German South West Africa general 
Index 1890 Anglo-German treaty correction German Colonies Togo general 
Index 1890 Anglo-German treaty correction German Colonies German East Africa  
Index ALGESIRAS cancel on Spanish postcard German Colonies Offices In Morocco general 
Index Old Calabar correction German Colonies Kamerun general 
Index Old Calabar early Anglo-German border expedition correction German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index Samoa internees 1914 - 1915 correction German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index Samoa internees 1914 - 1915 correction German Colonies Samoa feldpost occupation POW 
Index Spanish cancel German Colonies Labels  
Index Witu correction German Colonies German East Africa  
Index Zanzibar correction German Colonies German East Africa  
Index ‘Abgereist / ohne Angabe der Adresse’ label German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index ‘Abgereist / ohne Angabe der Adresse’ label German Colonies Karolinen cancels and postal markings 
Index ‘Aus dem Briefkasten’ German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index ‘Aus dem Briefkasten’ German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index 1900 issue Michel (catalog) 12-23 I-VI Michel (catalog) VI/I correction German Colonies Offices In Turkey stamp 
Index Count Luckner the Sea Devil German Colonies Literature Handbooks  
Index Count Luckner the Sea Devil German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) literature Thomas
Index Deutsche Kolonien und Auslandspostämter Dienstzweige und Portotarife Briefposte German Colonies Literature Handbooks Jäschke-Lantelme
Index Postabonnement German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index postage due or ‘PORTO’ markings German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index Seeadler Count von Luckner German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index unfranked postage due cover correction German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index ‘lag’ marking German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index awards German Colonies GCCG News GCCG journal VORLÄUFER 
Index Count Luckner the Sea Devil German Colonies Literature Handbooks  
Index Berichte für Koloniabriefmarkensammler German Colonies Literature Index Reprint Reviews  
Index first Ponape provisional Michel (catalog) I cover German Colonies Karolinen stamps and postal stationery 
Index K. D. FELDPOSTSTATION Nr. 4 Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost6 German Colonies German South West Africa feldpost 
Index K. D. FELDPOSTSTATION Nr. a Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost2 German Colonies German South West Africa feldpost 
Index OWIKOKORERO Friedemann (handbook) 131 132 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index The South African Philatelist German Colonies Literature Index Reprint Reviews  
Index German Colonies German New Guinea general 
Index 1889 APIA provisionals Friedemann (handbook) 4 5 ships in harbor during hurricane German Colonies Samoa cancels and postal markings 
Index 1914 The Pull-Thro’ newspaper German Colonies Samoa feldpost occupation POW 
Index Adler German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Ayesha German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index British mail from Samoa German Colonies Samoa cancels and postal markings 
Index Calliope German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index censuses of residents of German colonies German Colonies General  
Index censuses of residents of German colonies German Colonies Literature Handbooks  
Index Choising German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Eber German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Emden German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Emden survivors Ayesha / Choising German Colonies Offices In Turkey general 
Index Fellowship of Samoa Specialists Newsletter German Colonies Literature Index Reprint Reviews  
Index Nipsic German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Olga German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Sydney German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Trenton German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Vandalia German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Japanese POW camps postcards printshop German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index Hofuku Maru German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Japanese POW camps viewcards German Colonies Occupation POW  
Index Barfrankierungen Vorausfrankierungen German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index Falke German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index LINIE HAMBURG WESTAFRIKA on Spanish Guinea cover German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cancels postal markings  
Index local mail free? German Colonies Offices In Turkey cancels postal markings 
Index provisional frankings Barfrankierungen Friedemann (handbook) BF1-4 German Colonies Samoa stamps postal stationery 
Index RISCHON-LE-ZION Nebenstempel Star of David ‘stamp’ German Colonies Offices In Turkey cancels postal markings 
Index Tsingtau Barfrankierungen German Colonies Kiautschou stamps and postal stationery 
Index IKELEMBA Friedemann (handbook) 29 German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index Kamerun / French Congo border survey KAISERLICH DEUTSCHE GRENZEXPEDITION Friedemann (handbook) Exp. 8 cover German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index WARMBAD Friedemann (handbook) 157 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index pidgin English dictionary German Colonies General Maddocks
Index boxed AUS TOGO marking German Colonies Togo cancels postal markingsMayne