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Journal / Periodical
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September 2005; Iss: 140
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Sep 2005
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Iss: 140
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Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: parcel card GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: APS Stampshow (2005) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index KAMERUN: cancels and postal markings: UKOKO (Fr. 59) KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Henny Woermann SEAPOST and MSP shipsTriebe
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Gudrun SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Holger SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Corrientes SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Cap Fillano SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Tijuoa SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Walburg SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Otavi SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Patagonia SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: San Nicolas SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Sanotos SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Baden SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Bahia SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Sierra Nevada SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Blucher SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Eber SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Eisenach SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Norge SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Norseman SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Planet SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST OST-ASIATISCHE LINIE, fake SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markingsZollinger
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: MARINE SCHIFFSPOST, fake SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markingsZollinger
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: cancels and postal markings: unknown SUEZ-NICAE cancel GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index KAMERUN: general: Kamerun light railway KAMERUN generalMaddocks
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Astrea SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: occupation and POW: British occupation: MAFIA ovpts GERMAN EAST AFRICA occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: occupation and POW: ovpts GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: cancels and postal markings: HERBERTSHÖHE (Fr. 10), registered cover GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: stamps and postal stationery: 1905/19 issue (Mi. 38-47): sheets OFFICES in CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Manila SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index MARIANEN: general: Spanish Marianas MARIANEN general 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: cancels and postal markings: provisional registration label MARSHALL INSELN cancels and postal markings 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: cancels and postal markings: TSINGTAU WEIHSIEN BAHNPOST (Fr. BP3) KIAUTSCHOU cancels and postal markings 
Index SAMOA: cancels and postal markings: stamps canceled in New Zealand SAMOA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: WATERBERG (Fr. 159-162) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: UMBULU (Fr. 72) GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index TOGO: occupation and POW: British occupation: 1914 issue (Mi. BB1-15) TOGO occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: feldpost: Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck GERMAN EAST AFRICA feldpostBeidzynski
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: general: Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck GERMAN EAST AFRICA general 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: literature: Reminiscences of East Africa (Lettow-Vorbeck) GERMAN EAST AFRICA literature 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: literature: Guerrilla – Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck and Germany’s East African Empire (Hoyt) GERMAN EAST AFRICA literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Guerrilla – Colonel von Lettow-Vorbeck and Germany’s East African Empire (Hoyt) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Reminiscences of East Africa (Lettow-Vorbeck) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski): WWI in East Africa: Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck LITERATURE surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski) 
Index TOGO: general: August Köhler TOGO generalSchürmann
Index TOGO: general: Jesko von Putkamer TOGO generalSchürmann
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: general: Theodor Leutwein GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA generalSchürmann
Index KAMERUN: general: Julius Freiherr von Soden KAMERUN generalSchürmann
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: general: Julius Freiherr von Soden GERMAN EAST AFRICA generalSchürmann
Index TOGO: general: Julius Freiherr von Soden TOGO generalSchürmann
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: Washington 2006 GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index KAMERUN: cancels and postal markings: 1887 vorlaufer card to Argentia KAMERUN cancels and postal markingsTaylor
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: AUS WEST AFRICA SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markingsMayne
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Carl Woermann SEAPOST and MSP shipsMayne
Index TOGO: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) TOGO literature 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) MARSHALL INSELN literature 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: literature: Geschichte des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1857-1970 (Theil) MARSHALL INSELN literature 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen MARSHALL INSELN literature 
Index SAMOA: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen SAMOA literature 
Index SAMOA: literature: Geschichte des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1857-1970 (Theil) SAMOA literature 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: literature: Geschichte des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1857-1970 (Theil) SEAPOST and MSP literature 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen SEAPOST and MSP literature 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) SEAPOST and MSP literature 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: literature: Imperial Protectorate Force, German East Africa 1889-1911 (Nigmann) GERMAN EAST AFRICA literatureEllis
Index OFFICES in CHINA: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen OFFICES in CHINA literature 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen GERMAN NEW GUINEA literature 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) GERMAN NEW GUINEA literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Imperial Protectorate Force, German East Africa 1889-1911 (Nigmann) LITERATURE handbooksEllis
Index SAMOA: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) SAMOA literature 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eine Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: Geschichte des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1857-1970 (Theil) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Bremen-Ostasien, Eine Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index KAROLINEN: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen KAROLINEN literature 
Index KAROLINEN: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) KAROLINEN literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Geschichte des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1857-1970 (Theil) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index MARIANEN: literature: Deutsch See- und Schiffspost, 1886-1945 (Steinmeyer, Evers) MARIANEN literature 
Index MARIANEN: literature: Bremen-Ostasien, Eien Beziehung im Wandel, 100 Jahre Ostasiatischer Verein Bremen MARIANEN literature 
Index MARIANEN: literature: Geschichte des Norddeutscher Lloyd 1857-1970 (Theil) MARIANEN literature 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: 1895 cover from New Zealand GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markingsSchlieper
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Thames SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Caledonia SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Adler SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Appam SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Bremen SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index LITERATURE: Websites (all by Taylor): German Colonies in general LITERATURE Websites (all by Taylor) 
Index GCCG NEWS: other societies: Collectors Club of Chicago talks by GCCG members, Stein and Farrant GCCG NEWS other societiesMiller
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: newspaper subscription card CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS newspaper subscription card 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: newspaper subscription card GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings