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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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June 2006; Iss: 143
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Jun 2006
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Iss: 143
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Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: APS Stampshow (2006) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: CHICAGOPEX (2006) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index GCCG NEWS: other societies: Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society GCCG NEWS other societies 
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: Newspaper services (Zeitungsbestellung, Zeitungsüberweisung) CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS Newspaper services (Zeitungsbestellung, Zeitungsüberweisung)Jäschke-Lantelme
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: REHOBOTH (Fr. 137), feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: feldpost, occupation and POW: feldpost services in GSWA GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA feldpost, occupation and POWSchlieper
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: SWAKOPMUND (Fr. 143-146): feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: USAKOS (Fr. 151, 152): feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: JAKALSWATER (Fr. 52, 53), feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: ABBABIS (Fr. 1-3): feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: feldpost, occupation and POW: OTAVIFONTEIN (Fr. FP8) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA feldpost, occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: Rössing (Fr. 139): feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: OTAVIFONTEIN (Fr. FP8), feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: MARIENTAL (Fr. 91-92), feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: OTJIWARONGO (Fr. 123): feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: TSUMEB (Fr. 147): feldpost GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index MARIANEN: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST AUSTRALISCHE HAUPTLINIE f, fake MARIANEN cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST AUSTRALISCHE HAUPTLINIE: fake SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index AUCTIONS and DEALERS: auctioneers and dealers: Sandafayre AUCTIONS and DEALERS auctioneers and dealersZollinger
Index OFFICES in CHINA: stamps and postal stationery: fake ovpts OFFICES in CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index TOGO: stamps and postal stationery: telegram TOGO stamps and postal stationeryMayne
Index POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS: postal forms: telegram POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS postal forms 
Index LITERATURE: surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski): Germany after WWI LITERATURE surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski) 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: The Kings Depart (Watt) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Hindenburg and the Weimar Republic (Dorpalen) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: A History of the Weimar Republic (Eyck) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Germany After the First World War (Bessel) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: Nachnahme service CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS Nachnahme serviceVogenbeck
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: MUSOMA (Fr. 51) GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: MAHENGE (Fr. 33) GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: feldpost: Maji-Maji rebellion GERMAN EAST AFRICA feldpost 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: stamps and postal stationery: postal stationery, packet card GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer MARSHALL INSELN stamps and postal stationery 
Index SAMOA: cancels and postal markings: 1889 APIA provisional cancels (Fr. 4,5) SAMOA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: GROOTFONTEIN (Fr. 37,89) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index KAMERUN: stamps and postal stationery: 1900 issue (Mi. 7-19): 5 Pf. sheet ovpt ‘10’ KAMERUN stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: occupation and POW: British occupation: MAFIA ovpts GERMAN EAST AFRICA occupation and POW 
Index OFFICES in TURKEY: stamps and postal stationery: Empire stamps, vorläufer OFFICES in TURKEY stamps and postal stationery 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST BOMBAY LINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST BOMBAY LINIE (Fr. SP8) GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: cancels and postal markings: TSCHINWANGTAU (Fr. 33) OFFICES in CHINA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: OTJIWARONGO (Fr. 123) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: OKAHANDJA (Fr. 97-103) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: literature: Bahnpost und Banpostentwertungen in den Deutschen Kolonien (Bartels) GERMAN EAST AFRICA literature 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: literature: Bahnpost und Banpostentwertungen in den Deutschen Kolonien (Bartels) OFFICES in CHINA literature 
Index TOGO: literature: Bahnpost und Banpostentwertungen in den Deutschen Kolonien (Bartels) TOGO literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Friedemann handbook LITERATURE handbooks 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: Bahnpost und Bahnpostentwertungen in den Deutschen Kolonien (Bartels) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Bahnpost und Bahnpostentwertungen in den Deutschen Kolonien (Bartels) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: literature: Bahnpost und Bahnpostentwertungen in den Deutschen Kolonien (Bartels) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA literature 
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: German American Salon (2007) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: ArGe Kolonial 80th Anniversary (2009) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: feldpost: registered feldpost without postage GERMAN EAST AFRICA feldpostHeinemann
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: MOROGORO (Fr. 44), feldpost GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GENERAL: philatelic addressees: Karl Rückoldt GENERAL philatelic addresseesHuth
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: Kuibis (Fr. 81), wdst GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: OSONA (Fr. 114, 115) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: 1909 postcard to Tonga GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markingsTaylor
Index EXPERTIZATION and FRAUDULENT MATERIAL: references to literature EXPERTIZATION and FRAUDULENT MATERIAL references to literature 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: ships website SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index LITERATURE: Websites (all by Taylor): ships LITERATURE Websites (all by Taylor) 
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: Washington 2006 GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: GARUB, wdst GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings