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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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September 2006; Iss: 144
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Sep 2006
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Iss: 144
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Key Words 
Index GCCG NEWS: membership: 1995-2006 GCCG NEWS membership 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: CHICAGOPEX (2006) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Germania, 1904-1914 timetable SEAPOST and MSP ships 
Index KAMERUN: cancels and postal markings: JOHANN-ALBRECHTSHÖHE (Fr. 32), history KAMERUN cancels and postal markingsMaddocks
Index MARSHALL INSELN: stamps and postal stationery: 1899/1900 ‘Marshall’ ovpt (Mi. 7-12): fake bisects (Mi. 9H, 12H) MARSHALL INSELN stamps and postal stationeryZollinger
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: revenue stamps GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationeryFarrant
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: Far East routes SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markingsWellsted
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST OST-ASIATISCHE HAUPTLINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST OST-ASIATISCHE LINIE, fake SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST OST-ASIATISCHE ZWEIGLINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST NEU-GUINEA ZWEIGLINIE (HONGKONG) SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST NEU-GUINEA ZWEIGLINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST NEU-GUINEA ZWEIGLINIE (SINGAPORE) SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST DEUTSCH-NEUGUINEA SINGAPORE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST SINGAPORE DEUTSCH-NEUGUINEA SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST SYDNEY HONGKONG SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST SYDNEY JALUIT YAP SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST AUSTRALISCHE ZWEIGLINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST AUSTRALISCHE HAUPTLINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST JALUIT LINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index KAROLINEN: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST JALUIT-LINIE (Fr. SP5) KAROLINEN cancels and postal markings 
Index MARIANEN: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST JALUIT-LINIE (Fr. SP5) MARIANEN cancels and postal markings 
Index MARIANEN: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI MARIANEN generalBiedzynski
Index MARIANEN: literature: The Neglected War (Hiery) MARIANEN literature 
Index MARIANEN: literature: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) MARIANEN literature 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: The May Fourth Movement (Tse-Tsung) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: The Neglected War (Hiery) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index LITERATURE: surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski): German Pacific Colonies after WWI LITERATURE surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski) 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index KAROLINEN: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI KAROLINEN generalBiedzynski
Index KIAUTSCHOU: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI KIAUTSCHOU generalBiedzynski
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: The May Fourth Movement (Tse-Tsung) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: The Neglected War (Hiery) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index KAROLINEN: literature: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) KAROLINEN literature 
Index SAMOA: literature: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) SAMOA literature 
Index SAMOA: literature: The Neglected War (Hiery) SAMOA literature 
Index SAMOA: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI SAMOA generalBiedzynski
Index MARSHALL INSELN: literature: The Neglected War (Hiery) MARSHALL INSELN literature 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: literature: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) MARSHALL INSELN literature 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI MARSHALL INSELN generalBiedzynski
Index OFFICES in CHINA: literature: The May Fourth Movement (Tse-Tsung) OFFICES in CHINA literature 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: literature: The Neglected War (Hiery) OFFICES in CHINA literature 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI OFFICES in CHINA generalBiedzynski
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: literature: The Neglected War (Hiery) GERMAN NEW GUINEA literature 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: literature: Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913-1921 (Curry) GERMAN NEW GUINEA literature 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: general: history, German Pacific Colonies after WWI GERMAN NEW GUINEA generalBiedzynski
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: general: Albert Hahl GERMAN NEW GUINEA generalSchürmann
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: cancels and postal markings: HERBERTSHÖHE (Fr. 10), registered cover GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: general: Dr. Carl Peters GERMAN EAST AFRICA generalSchürmann
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: stamps and postal stationery: postal stationery, packet card: PPO postal card GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: occupation and POW: ovpts GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: occupation and POW: ovpts Mi. BB16 GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: stamps and postal stationery: Futschau provisional (Mi. 7) OFFICES in CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index SAMOA: feldpost, occupation and POW: ovpts SAMOA feldpost, occupation and POW 
Index POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS: postal forms: used PPO postal cards, registered GNG POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS postal forms 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery: Tsingtau provisional (5 Pf ovpt, Mi. 2-4) KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery: Tsingtau provisional (5 Pfg ovpt, Mi. 1I-1II): Mi. 1Ia fake KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: cancels and postal markings: PEKING (Fr. 10-12) OFFICES in CHINA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: occupation and POW: GNG stamps used without postage due GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: occupation and POW: censorship GERMAN NEW GUINEA occupation and POW 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: booklets: pair from Mi. MH3II GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: GARUB, wdst GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: 1897 issue (Mi. 1-4, I, II): (Mi. II) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: 1897 issue (Mi. 1-4, I, II): (Mi. 1 gutter pair) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: AUS WEST AFRICA SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: MKALAME (Fr. 38) GERMAN EAST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index OFFICES in TURKEY: cancels and postal markings: 1913 cover from Albania OFFICES in TURKEY cancels and postal markingsTaylor
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: German American Salon (2007) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibits 
Index SAMOA: feldpost, occupation and POW: report of Karl Hanssen on Aug. – Sept. 1914 SAMOA feldpost, occupation and POWSchlieper
Index LITERATURE: Websites (all by Taylor): history in general LITERATURE Websites (all by Taylor) 
Index SEAPOST and MSP: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCHE SEEPOST OST-AFRIKA LINIE SEAPOST and MSP cancels and postal markings