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08 Dec 2019 08:28:03
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Journal / Periodical
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March 2009; Iss: 154
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Mar 2009
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Iss: 154
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Index OFFICES in CHINA: cancels and postal markings: 1916 rate change on mail from Germany to German Offices in China OFFICES in CHINA cancels and postal markingsTaylor
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: 1916 rate change on mail from Germany to German Offices in China CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS 1916 rate change on mail from Germany to German Offices in ChinaTaylor
Index POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS: 1939 Reichskolonialbund viewcards POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS 1939 Reichskolonialbund viewcardsBernard
Index MODERN CARDS, CANCELS, LABELS, and STAMPS: cards: 1939 Reichskolonialbund viewcards MODERN CARDS, CANCELS, LABELS, and STAMPS 1939 Reichskolonialbund viewcardsBernard
Index KAMERUN: stamps and postal stationery: postal forms: money orders KAMERUN stamps and postal stationeryStadler
Index POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS: postal forms: money orders POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS postal formsStadler
Index TOGO: occupation and POW: French occupation: 1915 issue (Mi. FB8-19): Mi. FB9 fake TOGO occupation and POWZollinger
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery: Tsingtau provisional (5 Pfg ovpt, Mi. 1I-1II): Mi. 2 fake KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationeryZollinger
Index KIAUTSCHOU: cancels and postal markings: Late pre-WWI cover to Germany KIAUTSCHOU cancels and postal markingsTaylor
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: Russian censorship CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS Russian censorshipTaylor
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: cancels and postal markings: 1898, 1903 viewcards from Matupi to Australia GERMAN NEW GUINEA cancels and postal markingsWyrtki
Index SEAPOST and MSP: ships: Möwe/Möve SEAPOST and MSP shipsWyrtki
Index GCCG NEWS: shows and exhibits: COLOPEX (2009) GCCG NEWS shows and exhibitsFox
Index LITERATURE: surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski): Nazi, foreign policy 1933-1938: Colonial claims LITERATURE surveys of historical literature (all by Biedzynski) 
Index GCCG NEWS: awards to group members: Erich Schlieper, Dr. Ey medal GCCG NEWS awards to group members 
Index EXPERTIZATION and FRAUDULENT MATERIAL: expertizers for G.R.I. and C.E.F. ovpts EXPERTIZATION and FRAUDULENT MATERIAL expertizers for G.R.I. and C.E.F. ovpts 
Index TOGO: cancels and postal markings: STATION SANSANE MANGU TOGO cancels and postal markingsMayne
Index TOGO: cancels and postal markings: STATION SANSANE MANGU TOGO cancels and postal markingsLarsen
Index GCCG NEWS: other societies: Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Sammler deutscher Kolonialpostwertzeichen (ArGe Kolonial), 80th anniversary GCCG NEWS other societies 
Index GCCG NEWS: donations to the GCCG GCCG NEWS donations to the GCCG 
Index TOGO: occupation and POW: British occupation: Aug. 1914 covers TOGO occupation and POWMayne
Index AUCTIONS and DEALERS: named auctions: Peter Baer AUCTIONS and DEALERS named auctionsSchlieper
Index SAMOA: cancels and postal markings: 1889 APIA provisional cancels (Fr. 4,5) SAMOA cancels and postal markingsBelau
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: stamps and postal stationery: Boxer provisionals (Mi. Va-Vm, Vaa-Vaf, VIa-VIn) OFFICES in CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: cancels and postal markings: 1908 cpver to England readdressed to Belgium OFFICES in CHINA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: booklets: Mi. HB13B on cover GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: booklets: Mi. W1 or S1 GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index OFFICES in TURKEY: stamps and postal stationery: 1884 issue (Mi. 1-5): Mi. 4II shifted ovpt, OFFICES in TURKEY stamps and postal stationery 
Index OFFICES in TURKEY: stamps and postal stationery: 1900 issue (Mi. 12-23) OFFICES in TURKEY stamps and postal stationery 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery: Tsingtau provisional (5 Pf ovpt, Mi. 2-4) KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: cancels and postal markings: MECKLENBURGHAUS (Fr. 6) KIAUTSCHOU cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: DEUTSCH-SÜDWEST-AFRIKA CAPSTADT (Fr. SP2), II GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: ARAHOAB (Fr. 5) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: cancels and postal markings: Haris wdst (Fr. 42) GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA cancels and postal markings 
Index KAMERUN: cancels and postal markings: EDEA (Fr. 25) KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: stamps and postal stationery: Futschau provisional (Mi. 7) OFFICES in CHINA stamps and postal stationery 
Index KAMERUN: stamps and postal stationery: vorläufer: mitläufer KAMERUN stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: 1916 Königsberg, Möwe provisionals (Mi. IIa-IIf) GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery: 1905 issue (Mi. 18-27) KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index KAROLINEN: stamps and postal stationery: 1899 issue (Mi. 1I-6I, 1II-6II) KAROLINEN stamps and postal stationery 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: stamps and postal stationery: 1897/1899 ‘Marschall’ ovpt (Mi. 1I-4I, 1II-6II): Fournier fakes MARSHALL INSELN stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: 1915 1 Rupie wm genuinely used (Mi. 38Iab), new copy GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: 1905/19 issue : imperforate GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GCCG NEWS: group accounts GCCG NEWS group accountsManville
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: stamps and postal stationery: 1909 telegram to Yap, forwarded to GNG GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index KAROLINEN: stamps and postal stationery: 1909 telegram to Yap, forwarded to GNG KAROLINEN stamps and postal stationery