Index |
Mafeking: Ladysmith overprint on Army Official
| Mafeking, cachets | |
Index |
BEA: 4 annas on cover
| BEA | |
Index |
Niger Coast: setenant pair
| Niger Coast, errors, varieties | |
Index |
Cyprus: SG 7 plate bock 217
| Cyprus | |
Index |
Ireland: pic of 1/2d inverted
| Ireland, errors, varieties | MacDonnell Whyte |
Index |
auctions: Rossi auction advert
| auctions | Warwick & Warwick |
Index |
Society business: index to displays at RPSL
| Society business | |
Index |
MEF: British occupation of Italian Colonies control block, registered letter
| MEF, air, registered, controls, cylinders, censorhip | Sanders M |
Index |
Somalia: British occupation of Italian Colonies registered air cover
| Somalia, air, registered | Sanders M |
Index |
EAF: British occupation of Italian Colonies EAF cover, AV2 cachet
| EAF, air, postal stationery, registered, censorhip, cachets | Sanders M |
Index |
Tripolitania: British occupation of Italian Colonies missing dots
| Tripolitania, errors, varieties | Sanders M |
Index |
Eritrea: British occupation of Italian Colonies economy "honour" label
| Eritrea, postal stationery | Sanders M |
Index |
Bahrain: KG VI & QE2 overprinted and surcharged SG 80a; registered envelope
| Bahrain, air, errors, varieties, registered | Cook BS |
Index |
Kuwait: King George VI High Values extra bar 5s; registered; Jewan postmarks
| Kuwait, air, errors, varieties, postmarks, registered | Kiddle F |
Index |
BPAEA: Dubai, Muscat & Qatar 58a used in Sharjah; Muscat opt on Bahrain registration label
| BPAEA, air, registered | Phelan M |
Index |
Qatar: Dubai, Muscat & Qatar "Office of political officer" postmark on Bahrain stamp
| Qatar, air, postmarks | Phelan M |
Index |
Bahrain: Air letters of the British Postal Agencies Airletter
| Bahrain, air, registered | Jones TE |
Index |
BPAEA: Air letters of the British Postal Agencies Airletter
| BPAEA, air | Jones TE |
Index |
Kuwait: Air letters of the British Postal Agencies Airletter
| Kuwait | Jones TE |
Index |
Levant: varieties, Gabon specimens, 40 paras double, unissued 2/6d E7
| Levant, errors, varieties, specimens | Chivers G |
Index |
Levant: The 40 paras surcharged stationery envelope postal stationery opt inverted
| Levant, errors, varieties, postal stationery, registered | Furst AL |
Index |
Levant: Pot pou-u-urri - uncommon, unusual & unexplained postal history
| Levant, postal stationery, registered | Furst AL |
Index |
Levant: Use of registered envelopes from 1885 registered mail
| Levant, postal rates, postal stationery, registered | Malim RCW |
Index |
Levant: The 1907 postal rate changes rates, Seahorse reentries
| Levant, errors, varieties, postal rates | Malim RCW |
Index |
Levant: The re-opening of Smyrna 1919 postoffice history
| Levant, postal stationery, post offices, registered, censorhip | Papadopoulos A |
Index |
Morocco: Gibraltar period double overprint
| Morocco, errors, varieties | Peters R |
Index |
Morocco: A Morocco miscellany postmarks
| Morocco, postmarks, registered | Stotter DA |
Index |
Morocco: Early postal stationery 1907 to 1921 postal stationery
| Morocco, postal stationery | Furst AL |
Index |
Morocco: Specimen stamps specimens
| Morocco, specimens | Kiddle F |
Index |
Morocco: early & fdcs, errors
| Morocco, errors, varieties, postal stationery, registered, fdcs | Gellatly M |
Index |
Morocco: airmails, Zeppelin
| Morocco, air, cachets | Holliday I, Deakin B |
Index |
Tangier: GB stamps & postal stationery used in Tangier stamps and stationery, "North Alantic air service"
| Tangier, air, postal stationery, registered, cachets | Stotter DA |
Index |
Morocco: Control blocks controls
| Morocco, controls, cylinders | Osborne M |
Index |
Morocco: postal order
| Morocco, postal orders | Kiddle F |
Index |
Tangier: Last day covers - G VI & QE II covers
| Tangier, air, registered | Cook BS |
Index |
Tangier: missing hyphen, short 7
| Tangier, errors, varieties | Chivers G |
Index |
Cyprus: SG 7 plate bock 217, better picture on cover
| Cyprus | Stanford T |
Index |
BEA: British East Africa Company cover 4 annas on cover, better pic of part of it on front page
| BEA, registered | Taber M |
Index |
Zululand: pic of 5s opts
| Zululand, specimens | Stanford T, Taber M |
Index |
Bechuanaland: Bechuanaland postal stationery card
| Bechuanaland, postal stationery | Lyall E |
Index |
Niger Coast: Ingenious answer or philatelic enterprise? se-tenant pair, colour picture on front page
| Niger Coast, errors, varieties | Taber M |
Index |
Niger Coast: card
| Niger Coast, postal stationery, cachets | Burke S |
Index |
Ireland: seahorses, cover
| Ireland, registered | Ikuo Ikehara |
Index |
Ireland: coil leaders
| Ireland | Stanford T |
Index |
Nauru: British mandate 1915-23 general
| Nauru | Buckingham K |
Index |
Mafeking: Army official stamp used with Ladysmith siege handstamp; better picture on front
| Mafeking, cachets | Stanford T, Taber M |
Index |
Southern Rhodesia: postage due cover 1954
| Southern Rhodesia, cachets | Stanford T |
Index |
Ireland: perfins on Ireland (and others)
| Ireland, perfins | Stanford T |
Index |
GB: commercial opt
| GB | Wilkes JD |
Index |
BPAEA: Das Island Castle 5s used in Das Island
| BPAEA, postmarks | Donaldson AN |
Index |
Australia: "CA" overprint, used
| Australia | Lewthwaite DG |