Item View

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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Series Title:
Item Title:
September 1953; Vol: 1/2 Iss: 2
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Sep 1953
Number of Pages:
Vol 1/2 Iss: 2
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Postograms Norway Letters 
Index Spitzbergen stamp issues Sweden Letters 
Index French Warships in Iceland Iceland Letters 
Index AFA Danmark Frimærkekatalog 2000 Denmark Book Review 
Index Skandinavien Frimærkekatalog 2000 Scandinavia Book Review 
Index Finland 1856-1917, Baklänges stämpelkatalog Käänteinen leimasanasto Finland Book Review 
Index Arvoposti – ja Kirjaamisleimat Finland Book Review 
Index Norway Number 1 – Revised Edition Norway Book Review 
Index Manipulated Covers Denmark Article 
Index New Issue Notes 2000 Sweden Country Notes 
Index Bornholm Postmarks Denmark Country Notes 
Index New postage rates Faroes Country Notes 
Index Disinfected Mail 1831/32 Åland Country Notes 
Index Franking Machine Meter Marks Åland Country Notes 
Index New postage rates Åland Country Notes 
Index TB Cinderella sheets Finland Country Notes 
Index New postmarks – Helsinki Museum Finland Country Notes 
Index Definitive stamps New printings Finland Country Notes 
Index Christmas postal stationery cards 1999 Norway Country Notes 
Index Locally produced stamp booklets Norway Country Notes 
Index Innenriks Avispostanvisning Norway Country Notes 
Index New Bridge type cancellers Iceland Country Notes 
Index Christmas Parcel ‘stamp label’ Iceland Country Notes 
Index Åland Postal History Part 11 Åland Article 
Index Blue Helmets -UN Peacekeeping Scandinavia Article 
Index Sorting System -Trial with a new System Denmark Article 
Index Åland Post Buses Åland Article 
Index History of Sweden in Stamps Sweden Article 
Index RAF Postal Service Iceland Article 
Index Foreign port of arrival & transit marks Iceland Article