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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1965; Vol: 5/1 Iss: 49
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Jun 1965
Number of Pages:
Vol 5/1 Iss: 49
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Involving the younger generation General Article 
Index Bi-Coloured New website Denmark Letters 
Index Bi-Coloured New website DWI Letters 
Index Slalholt 1956 Black listed Issue Iceland Letters 
Index Ångbatpost and late use AXP cancellation? Sweden Letters 
Index Trilingual Postcard in Swedish Finland Letters 
Index Beware! They are watching you! General Letters 
Index Latinen Cork Cancels Pt. 1 Finland Article 
Index Goldern Ear Postcards Finland Article 
Index Exotic Destinations Iceland Article 
Index Sunday Mail Denmark Article 
Index Sven Hedin Mail Sweden Article 
Index Sweden - America Line and its subsidiaries Sweden Article 
Index Early Postal Rates Åland Country Notes 
Index Provincial FDC Postmarks Denmark Country Notes 
Index AR Codes Denmark Country Notes 
Index Cheapest FDC ever? Denmark Country Notes 
Index Early Meter Marks Faroes Country Notes 
Index Personal Stamps Finland Country Notes 
Index ATM Postage Labels Finland Country Notes 
Index Trilingual Postcard in Swedish Finland Country Notes 
Index 75th Anniversary of UPU Membership Greenland Country Notes 
Index Scottish East Greenland Expedition 1963 Greenland Country Notes 
Index Stampless Letters Norway Country Notes 
Index Advertising Cards Norway Country Notes 
Index Norges Katalogen 2014 Norway Country Notes 
Index Postcard Concession Rates Iceland Country Notes 
Index 236 Numeral, facts and folly Iceland Country Notes 
Index International Bulk Mail Sweden Country Notes 
Index Route Directives on Local Mail Sweden Country Notes