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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1977; Vol: 9/1 Iss: 97
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Jun 1977
Number of Pages:
Vol 9/1 Iss: 97
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index SPS Exhibition at RPSL on Thurs. 29 November 2012, General Article 
Index 236 Canceller Iceland Letters 
Index Cirencester to Wasa Finland Letters 
Index Modern Posthorn cancellers Norway Letters 
Index Blind Perfs on Ring types 1876-7 Sweden Letters 
Index Swedish Registration Etiquettes Sweden Article 
Index Swedish Re-registration “Från Utlandet” post-WW2 Sweden Article 
Index RAF Privilege Covers from Iceland Iceland Article 
Index Exotic Destinations Part 8 Iceland Article 
Index Norwegian Shipping Companies’ Illustrated Env. & Cards, 1880s-1914 Norway Article 
Index Cover to AEF, via Baghdad Sweden Article 
Index Faroese Airmail in WW2 Faroes Article 
Index Archaeological Expedition to Easter Island, 1955/6 Norway Article 
Index Far Away Places, Part 27 South Korea 1967 Scandinavia Article 
Index Postage via text Messages Iceland Country Notes 
Index Postal Rates 2012 Iceland Country Notes 
Index Post Office Counters reopen Iceland Country Notes 
Index Crown and Posthorn canceller Missing letters Iceland Country Notes 
Index Danish Postcard, Swedish cancel Norway Country Notes 
Index Kardemomme By Canceller Norway Country Notes 
Index Postferry Cancellers Denmark Country Notes 
Index Christmas cards Faroes Country Notes 
Index Freeform Stamp designs Finland Country Notes 
Index Airmail to Iceland 1948 Åland Country Notes 
Index Currency Control Labels Sweden Country Notes 
Index Book Concession Postal Rates Sweden Country Notes 
Index Parcel Post Upgrade Etiquette Sweden Country Notes 
Index Modern Special Delivery Labels Sweden Country Notes 
Index Custom clearance Caches Sweden Country Notes