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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
December 1996; Vol: 16/9 Iss: 175
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Dec 1996
Number of Pages:
Vol 16/9 Iss: 175
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Forgeries of Norwegian locals Norway Article 
Index Nordatlantex 1996 Report Faroes Article 
Index AFA Danmark Frimærkekatalog 1996-97 Denmark Book Review 
Index Svensk Posthistoria 1855-1925 Sweden Book Review 
Index AFA Danmark Frimærkekatalog 1996-97 Denmark Book Review 
Index AFA Skandinavien Frimærkekatalog 1996-97 Scandinavia Book Review 
Index Norgeskatalogen 1997 Norway Book Review 
Index Katalog over Postkort udgivet af det Danske Postvæsen Denmark Book Review 
Index Katalog over Postkort udgivet af Føroya Postvæsen Faroes Book Review 
Index Katalog over Postkort udgivet af Grønlands Postvæsen Greenland Book Review 
Index GF5 Grønland 1996-97 Greenland Book Review 
Index Facit Special 1997 Sweden Book Review 
Index Rail TPOs of 1872 Sweden Letters 
Index Early Danish entire Denmark Letters 
Index New Helsinki postmark? Finland Country Notes 
Index Postal Stationery letter sheet & envelopes Finland Country Notes 
Index Self-adhesive Stamps Norway Country Notes 
Index Exhibition Postmarks Norway Country Notes 
Index B.H.D Postbod 8 private cancel Denmark Country Notes 
Index New Issue Notes 1996 Sweden Country Notes 
Index Value declared letter 1953 Iceland Country Notes 
Index Surface & Airmail Postal Rates 1963 Iceland Country Notes 
Index Automatic Cash Machines Åland Country Notes 
Index Thermo printer labels Åland Country Notes 
Index Ferry Mail Åland Country Notes 
Index Official Cachets Gun Licenses Åland Country Notes 
Index Post Bus cover Åland Country Notes 
Index Åland Spezial 1996 Åland Book Review 
Index Swans from the North Scandinavia Article 
Index Lillehammer Post Offices Norway Article 
Index From the Birth of Flight Denmark Article 
Index Norway to America by sea 1825-1989 Norway Article 
Index V.L Perfins Faroes Article 
Index FPO 89 Iceland Country Notes 
Index Fieldpost 1939-1945 Finland Article