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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 2002; Vol: 18/10 Iss: 196
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Mar 2002
Number of Pages:
Vol 18/10 Iss: 196
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Hafnia 01 Report General Article 
Index A little bit of humor Denmark Letters 
Index How long was a Swedish Mile Sweden Letters 
Index First Flight cover 1929 Sweden Letters 
Index Manuscript Railway Cancellation 1866 Norway Letters 
Index AFA Denmark Frimærkekatalog 2002 Denmark Book Review 
Index AFA Skandinavien Frimærkekatalog 2002 Scandinavia Book Review 
Index Julemærkets Posthistorie, Bogen om Denmark Book Review 
Index SG Catalogue Part 11 Scandinavia Scandinavia Book Review 
Index Barcodes on stamp sheets Norway Country Notes 
Index Letters checked for anthrax 2001 Norway Country Notes 
Index Post Office Closures Norway Country Notes 
Index Postal Rates April 1946 onwards Iceland Country Notes 
Index New Cancellers issued Iceland Country Notes 
Index Postage rates increase Sweden Country Notes 
Index Slania 80 Years Sweden Country Notes 
Index Humorous Postcard Denmark Country Notes 
Index Dual Currency Definititives Åland Country Notes 
Index New Definitives Issue Finland Country Notes 
Index Frama Vending Machines Finland Country Notes 
Index Charity Stamps end Finland Country Notes 
Index Abbreviations on Postmarks Finland Country Notes 
Index Review of Åland Spezial 2001/02 Catalogue Åland Country Notes 
Index The Society – Making Contact General Article 
Index Faroes to the Greenland Fishing Fleet Faroes Article 
Index Letter from Down Under Part 3 Iceland Article 
Index Post Office Listings 1990-2000 Norway Article 
Index Figure Cancellations Finland Article 
Index Post Office Personnel on Stamps Denmark Article