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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 2002; Vol: 19/1 Iss: 197
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Jun 2002
Number of Pages:
Vol 19/1 Iss: 197
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Society `Stampex' Display General Article 
Index Swedish Mile Scandinavia Letters 
Index Swedish Mile Scandinavia Letters 
Index Manuscript Railway Cancellation 1866 Norway Letters 
Index 1929 First Flight Cover Sweden Letters 
Index Postal History of a Danish Naval Officer Denmark Letters 
Index 1 Gildi Overprints I Iceland Letters 
Index 1 Gildi Overprints II Iceland Letters 
Index 2 Gildi Overprints III Iceland Letters 
Index Norma Catalogue 2002 Finland Special Catalogue 1638-2001 Finland Book Review 
Index Reference Manual of Forgeries Finland Book Review 
Index New Issue Notes 2002 Sweden Country Notes 
Index Humerous Postcards -Homemade Denmark Country Notes 
Index New postage rates Finland Country Notes 
Index Abbreviations on Postmarks Finland Country Notes 
Index New postage rates Åland Country Notes 
Index Hassler and Dassault Franking Machines in use Åland Country Notes 
Index UPU Year markings General Country Notes 
Index Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Norway Country Notes 
Index Circular Football stamps Norway Country Notes 
Index Forged Postmarks Iceland Country Notes 
Index A.R. — Avis de reception Markings Iceland Country Notes 
Index Changes to postal service and new postal agencies Iceland Country Notes 
Index The Society 50 Years: Times remembered General Article 
Index Olympic Games 1940 - Stamps & postmarks Finland Article 
Index Danish Railways Part 1 Denmark Article 
Index Scottish East Greenland Expedition 1963 Greenland Article 
Index Post Office Markings Part 1 Denmark Article 
Index Haksandus -A real Howler Finland Article 
Index DKA Charity Label Finland Letters 
Index Postal Independence covers 1921 Iceland Country Notes 
Index OAT cover Iceland Country Notes 
Index New Issue Notes 2002 Sweden Country Notes 
Index New Postal Stationery Finland Country Notes 
Index Norma Catalogue 2002 — Finland Special Catalogue on CD Finland Book Review