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Date Loaded:
13 Dec 2019 10:02:31
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
December 2005; Vol: 20/5 Iss: 211
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Dec 2005
Number of Pages:
Vol 20/5 Iss: 211
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Mare Balticum Report Scandinavia Article 
Index Collectors Statement - Alan Warren Denmark Article 
Index Danish Sunday Letter from Sweden Sweden Letters 
Index Lindman Aerophilatelic Dealer Finland Letters 
Index Cover to Scotland 1871 Sweden Letters 
Index Årsbok för Postmuseum 2005 Sweden Book Review 
Index Norgeskatalogen 2006 Norway Book Review 
Index Filatelistisk Årbok 2005 Norway Book Review 
Index Postmarks in Laurvig & Jarlsborg Norway Book Review 
Index World Encyclopedia of stamps and Stamp collecting General Book Review 
Index AFA Danmark Frimærkekatalog 2006 Denmark Book Review 
Index Poulanka Parcelcards Finland Country Notes 
Index My Stamp Personalised Stamps Åland Country Notes 
Index WWII Feltpost postcards Åland Country Notes 
Index Kongsberg Local Post Norway Country Notes 
Index Philatelic Postmark Request envelopes Denmark Country Notes 
Index Invitational Stationery and their adaptions Iceland Country Notes 
Index Holt undir Eyjafjöllum Postmarks Iceland Country Notes 
Index New Issue Notes 2005 Sweden Country Notes 
Index SAS & Philately, Part 2 Scandinavia Article 
Index PLK railway TPO cancels, new type without sidebars? Sweden Article 
Index Ahoy there !, you Scandinavian Seaposters, Part 1 Scandinavia Article 
Index Newspaper Stamps, the 1 øre value Denmark Article 
Index Remnants of Colonialism DWI Article 
Index Postcard bearing the 5 øre value 1904 booklet pair Norway Article 
Index The WW2 London Issue Norway Article 
Index Far Away Places Part 8 Ship to Ship postcard Faroes Article 
Index Danish Railways Part 10 Denmark Article