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Date Loaded:
02 Jan 2020 14:31:35
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
01 August 1864; Vol: 2 Iss: 19
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
1 Aug 1864
Number of Pages:
Vol 2 Iss: 19
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Continental Stamps and Stamp Countries Jacob Jones’s Recollections of   
Index France bon-bon stamp   
Index Jabez Jones's Recollections of Continental Stamps and Stamp Countries   
Index Liberia. Liberia Viner, Dr. C. W.
Index Sketches of the Less-Known Stamp Countries   
Index Blind Letter office   
Index Addenda to Mount Brown's Catalogue   
Index Brown Addenda to Mount Brown's Catalogue   
Index Cape of Good Hope new issue   
Index Mexico new issue   
Index Newly-Issued or Inedited Stamps   
Index Penny Poem on the Penny Post   
Index Postal Chit-Chat   
Index Stamps. Newly-Issued or Inedited   
Index Tasmania   
Index Belgium essays   
Index Finland   
Index Hamburg local   
Index La Guaira   
Index New South Wales   
Index Postage Stamp Collecting in Italy   
Index Van Diemen's (Charles) Local Hamburg Tasmania  
Index Italy old issues   
Index Pleasures of the Post-office   
Index Post Office pleasures of the   
Index Sicily   
Index Reviews of Postal Publications   
Index Chit-Chat Postal   
Index Country Postman The   
Index Curiosities of the Post Bag   
Index Postman The Country   
Index The Prince Consort stamps. Great Britain Burn, J. H.; Fentonia, [Miss A. L. Fenton]; Gray, Dr. J. E. and H., A. J.
Index British Guiana newspaper stamp   
Index Correspondence   
Index Correspondence the Prince Consort essays   
Index Correspondence the British Guiana newspaper stamp   
Index Prince Consort Essay Mr. Burn’s second reply   
Index Answers to Correspondents   
Index Boyd's City Post   
Index Cape of Good Hope fourpenny black   
Index Correspondence the Hamburg locals   
Index Correspondence answers to   
Index Hamburg boten   
Index Nevis device explained   
Index New Brunswick   
Index Prussia