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Date Loaded:
02 Jan 2020 14:31:35
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
01 October 1864; Vol: 2 Iss: 21
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
1 Oct 1864
Number of Pages:
Vol 2 Iss: 21
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Bavaria   
Index Germany North   
Index Germany South   
Index Notes on the German Stamps   
Index Saxony   
Index Baden   
Index Schleswig-Holstein   
Index Wurtemburg   
Index Bergedorf   
Index Bremen   
Index Brunswick   
Index Holstein   
Index Mecklenburg-Schwerin   
Index Frankfort   
Index Hamburg   
Index Lubeck   
Index Sketch of the life and career of Don Bernardino Rivadavia. Argentine Republic  
Index Sketch of the Life and Career of Don B. Rivadavia   
Index The Peruvian stamps. Peru Fentonia [Fenton, Miss]
Index Peruvian Stamps   
Index Bancroft's City Express   
Index Canada Locals   
Index India   
Index Mecklenburg-Schwerin   
Index Newly Issued or Inedited Stamps   
Index San Marino   
Index Brunswick   
Index Great Britain   
Index Moldo-Wallachia   
Index Prussia   
Index Sardinia   
Index Switzerland local   
Index United States   
Index United States Locals   
Index The Connell stamp. Note: * Two articles reproduced from the Stamp Collector’s Record, Albany, N.Y. and the Stamp Collector’s Monthly Gazette, St. John, New Brunswick New Brunswick  
Index Californian Locals   
Index Connell   
Index Hamburg   
Index Livonia   
Index Moldo-Wallachia   
Index Ottoman Empire   
Index Roman States   
Index Spain   
Index To Which Country do the Wenden Stamps belong?   
Index Turkey   
Index United States Locals   
Index Victoria   
Index Wells Fargo & Co   
Index Wenden   
Index Wurtemburg   
Index Dates of the issue of English postage stamps. Great Britain Hill, Pearson
Index Dates of the Issue of English Postage Stamps   
Index Great Britain   
Index Reviews of Postal Publications   
Index Great Britain   
Index Postal Chit-Chat   
Index Correspondence   
Index Correspondence the old Mauritius stamps and the Prince Consort essays   
Index Great Britain   
Index Mauritius   
Index Prince Albert Essays   
Index Bancroft's City Express   
Index Bergedorf   
Index Canada   
Index Canada Locals   
Index Connell   
Index Correspondence the old Finland envelopes again   
Index Correspondence Bancroft's city express   
Index Costa Rica   
Index Finland   
Index La Guaira   
Index Livonia   
Index Mauritius   
Index Pacific Steam Navigation Co.   
Index Wenden   
Index Answers to Correspondents   
Index Correspondence forged La Guaira native Mauritius etc   
Index Cuba   
Index Hawaiian Islands   
Index India   
Index Ionian Islands   
Index New Granada   
Index Sandwich Islands