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Date Loaded:
02 Jan 2020 14:31:35
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
01 November 1864; Vol: 2 Iss: 22
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
1 Nov 1864
Number of Pages:
Vol 2 Iss: 22
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Continental Stamps and Stamp Countries Jacob Jones’s Recollections of   
Index Jabez Jones's Recollections of Continental Stamps and Stamp Countries   
Index Western Australia   
Index National Post office   
Index Post Office our national   
Index Australian Stamps Notes on the   
Index Notes on the Australian Stamps   
Index Ceylon   
Index Corrientes   
Index Holland   
Index Newly-Issued or Inedited Stamps   
Index New South Wales   
Index New South Wales envelope   
Index St. Helena   
Index Stamps. Newly-Issued or Inedited   
Index Tasmania   
Index Argentine new series Argentina  
Index British Postal Parcels Stamp   
Index Central Fair   
Index Japan   
Index La Guaira   
Index London Parcels Delivery Company   
Index New Caledonia   
Index Prussia envelopes   
Index Russia   
Index Spain envelope   
Index Addenda to Mount Brown's Catalogue   
Index Brown Addenda to Mount Brown's Catalogue   
Index Oldenburg. Oldenburg Viner, Dr. C. W.
Index Oldenburg   
Index Sketches of the Less-Known Stamp Countries   
Index Reviews of Postal Publications   
Index Chit-Chat Postal   
Index Postal Chit-Chat   
Index British Guiana newspaper stamp   
Index Correspondence   
Index Correspondence the British Guiana newspaper stamp   
Index Correspondence about essays in general   
Index Correspondence the United States Inter. Rev. stamps   
Index Essays in general   
Index Nevis device explained   
Index United States Inter Rev   
Index Answers to Correspondents   
Index Correspondence the Livonian stamps   
Index Correspondence Brigham Young’s denial of the existence of a Mormon stamp   
Index Correspondence answers to   
Index Livonia geographical position   
Index London Parcels Delivery Company   
Index Morman Stamp its reality denied   
Index Russia inland postage