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02 Jan 2020 14:31:35
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Journal / Periodical
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01 March 1868; Vol: 6 Iss: 50
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1 Mar 1868
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Vol 6 Iss: 50
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Index A contribution towards the history of the stamps of New South Wales New South Wales The author of The Postage stamps of British Guiana [Philbrick, F. A.]
Index The secret marks on the stamps of Peru. Peru Fentonia [Fenton, Miss]
Index Meeting of Philatelic Society London held on 6 Dec 1873 Royal Philatelic Society London RPSL 
Index Notes on certain United States locals. United States Amateur [Philbrick, F. A.]
Index On the provisional issues of Guadalajara. Mexico [Philbrick, F. A.]
Index Concerning the first Spanish post card. Spain  
Index Papers for beginners. Lubeck. Lubeck Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners, Hungary. Hungary Taylor, O.
Index Notes and queries. Spanish Antilles. Cuba Amateur [F. A. Philbrick]
Index Meeting of Philatelic Society London held on 3 Jan 1874 Royal Philatelic Society London RPSL 
Index The Austrian Journal-Tax stamps. Australia Vipond, W.
Index The secret marks on the Peruvian stamps. Peru Cheth. [Evans, E. B.]
Index The secret marks on the stamps of Peru. Peru Fentonia [Fenton, Miss]
Index Obsolete English newspaper stamps. Great Britain D., G. E.
Index On the provisional issues of Guadalajara. Mexico [Philbrick, F. A.]
Index Meeting of Philatelic Society London held on 31 Jan 1874 Royal Philatelic Society London RPSL 
Index Extracts from my private note book. [The unissued 1cent, rouletted and perforated varieties and variety of Uniontown local.] Confederate States Coster, C. H.
Index Papers for beginners. Luxemburg. Luxemburg Taylor, O.
Index The postage stamps of the United States. Process of manufacture. System of accounts. Governmental inspection. Note: * Reprinted from the New York Evening Post. United States  
Index The French post card. France  
Index Meeting of Philatelic Society London held on 28 Feb 1874 Royal Philatelic Society London RPSL 
Index A Russian postman twenty years ago. Note: * Reprinted from Under the Sun Russia Sala, G. A.
Index Meeting of Philatelic Society London held on 14 Mar 1874 Royal Philatelic Society London RPSL 
Index Posts at the diamond fields. Griqualand West Pemberton, E. L.
Index Antigua Stamps. [Watermarked star, with one point down and with two points up.] Antigua A Parisian Collector [W. A. S. Westoby] & A London Collector
Index Newspaper and penny post stamps prior to 1840. Great Britain Vipond, W.
Index Genuine used copies of the Don Carlos postage stamps. Spain Joannis, H. A. de
Index Papers for beginners, Malta. Malta Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners. Mecklenburg Schwerin. Mecklenburg Schwerin Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners. Mecklenburg Strelitz. Mecklenburg Strelitz Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners. Modena. Modena Taylor, O.
Index The “Escuelas” stamp of Venezuela. Note: * Partly translated from Timbre-Poste. Venezuela Fentonia [Fenton, Miss A. L.]
Index The records of the English post office in the eighteenth century. [Pillar boxes proposed – The first cross-post – Establishment of a local post at Dublin – Franking privileges of postal officials.] Great Britain  
Index Mexican stamps. Mexico W.
Index Genuine used copies of the Don Carlos postage stamps. Spain Joannis, H. A. de
Index Paper for beginners. Norway. Norway Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners. Oldenburg. Oldenburg Taylor, O.
Index The Berford Express stamps. United States C., W. A. B.
Index St. Louis and Guadalajara. Mexico Albis [J. Marcou]
Index St. Louis and Guadalajara. United States  
Index Antigua Stamps. [Watermarked star, with one point down and with two points up.] Antigua A Parisian Collector [W. A. S. Westoby] & A London Collector
Index Concerning the Russian locals. Russia  
Index Papers for beginners. Parma. Parma Taylor, O.
Index Spanish postal chronology. Spain Figueroa, M. P. de
Index Meeting of Philatelic Society London held on 13 Jun 1874 Royal Philatelic Society London RPSL 
Index Antigua Stamps. [Watermarked star, with one point down and with two points up.] Antigua A Parisian Collector [W. A. S. Westoby] & A London Collector
Index Abuses of the Letter Franking system United States Pemberton, E. L.
Index Accumulation Extraordinary of Postage Stamps Portugal Taylor, O.
Index A batch of Russian locals. Russia  
Index Postal stamps in the United States. United States  
Index Notes on the earlier issues of Denmark. Denmark  
Index The postage stamps of France. A reference list. France Netsua, G.
Index The Carlist stamp for Catalonia. Spain  
Index Papers for beginners. Prussia. Prussia Taylor, O.
Index The New Orleans post-office. Note: * Reprinted from the New Orleans Times. United States  
Index Papers for beginners. Romagna. Romagnas Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners. Roman States. Roman States Taylor, O.
Index Notes on the earlier issues of France. France  
Index Papers fro beginners. Russia. Russia Taylor, O.
Index Papers for beginners. Finland. Finland Taylor, O.
Index Discovery of an issue of stamped envelopes for New York, and the history of the five-cent adhesive. United States Tiffany, J. K.
Index Papers for beginners. Finland. Finland Taylor, O.
Index The Berford Express stamps [and Mr. J. J. Casey]. United States