Item View

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Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
02 Jan 2020 14:31:35
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
01 May 1869; Vol: 7 Iss: 64
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
1 May 1869
Number of Pages:
Vol 7 Iss: 64
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Barbados   
Index France   
Index Liberia   
Index Mauritius   
Index Postage stamp Devices   
Index Trinidad   
Index Choice Assortment Within   
Index Greece   
Index Luxembourg   
Index Odds and Ends   
Index Greece   
Index Madeira   
Index Nova Scotia   
Index Spain   
Index The stamps of Victoria. Victoria [Phillips, C. J.]
Index Japan   
Index Stamps of Victoria   
Index United States   
Index Victoria   
Index Hanover   
Index Newly Issued or Inedited Stamps   
Index Moldo-Wallachia   
Index Persia   
Index Sandwich Islands   
Index United States Locals   
Index [Two penny dull slate of the first issue.] Barbados  
Index Barbados   
Index Victoria   
Index Wurtemburg   
Index The gauchos. Buenos Aires  
Index Barbados   
Index Ceylon   
Index Denmark   
Index Gauchos (The)   
Index Holstein   
Index India   
Index Luxembourg   
Index Mexico   
Index Prince Edward Island   
Index Schleswig   
Index Vancouver's Island   
Index The vicissitudes of a postage stamp. [15c and 20c on 15c, 1863-65.] Italy  
Index Reviews of Postal Publications   
Index Vicissitudes of a Postage Stamp   
Index How Matthew Miggs became a Stamp Collector   
Index Poetry   
Index Buenos Ayres currency   
Index Correspondence   
Index Correspondence 'no name’ again   
Index Correspondence the Irish petty sessions stamps   
Index Correspondence the Buenos Ayres currency   
Index Correspondence the twopenny black English   
Index Great Britain   
Index Irish Petty Sessions Stamps   
Index No Name   
Index Postal Chit-Chat   
Index Answers to Correspondents   
Index British Guiana   
Index Correspondence the red half-anna India   
Index Correspondence a rare British Guiana stamp   
Index India   
Index Sicily   
Index Switzerland local   
Index Vancouver's Island   
Index Views of Sydney   
Index Chilian Stamps   
Index Colombia United States of   
Index France   
Index Honduras   
Index Luzon   
Index Mexico   
Index New Granada   
Index New South Wales   
Index Philippine Islands   
Index Schleswig-Holstein