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03 Jan 2020 09:17:13
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Journal / Periodical
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1989; Autumn Iss: 89
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Autumn Iss: 89
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Key Words 
Index German civil censorship during WWII Censorship World War II; Reviews: CensorshipHorst Landsmann; Edward Fraser
Index Hero and Leander Bratislava Tapestries: Hero WatchingBrian Hart
Index Bohemia and Moravia: a collector’s notebook Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain Monographs: 19; Reviews: Bohemia and MoraviaJohn N Hammonds; Ronald Hollis; Rex A Dixon; Colin W Spong
Index Czech Legion 1914-20 Czech Legion; Reviews Field PostDavid Bullock; Kenny Morrison
Index 21st century index to the Czechoslovak Specialist Society for Czechoslovak Philately Czechoslovak Specialist [Journal]; Czechoslovak Specialist [Journal]; Journals; WebsitesMark Wilson
Index Publications Bibliography 1990-2011Colin W Spong
Index Small WWII mystery Jubilee and Charity Issue of 1919; Overprints ProposedLubor Kunc
Index Slovak army: 1939-1945 Field Post Slovakia; Field Post: Russia; RussiaDavid Holt
Index HAYDA Austrian cancel used in the Sudetenland 1938 Postmarks and Postal Markings Sudetenland; Postmarks and Postal Markings: AustrianTony Moseley
Index Post Office Box 506 enclosure slips Clearing Houses; Censorship Clearing HousesEdward Fraser; Myron Fox
Index Antonín Dvořák exhibit Musicians Dvořák, Antonín. 1841-1904Ronald Hollis
Index ČSR overprints on French stamps 1944 France; Provisional and Revolutionary Overprints, 1945; Questions and Answers 2010Robert J Hill; Richard Beith
Index New issues [Czech] Tradition of Czech Stamp Production Issues 2010; Rettigová, Magdalena Dobromila. 1785-1845; Olympic Games. Winter [Czech]: 2010: Games; Paralympic Games. Winter [Czech]: 2010; Expositions: Expo 2010, Shanghai: Czechoslovak Pavilion; Writers: Mácha, Karel Hynek. 1810-1836: 2010. 200th Birth Anniversary; Easter Issues [Czech]: 2010Lindy Bosworth
Index New issues postal stationery [Czech] Postal Stationery Lindy Bosworth
Index New issues [Slovak] Stamp Day Issues [Slovak] 2009; Braille, Louis. 1809-1852: Slovak; Cultural Heritage Issues [Slovak]: Spišská Nová Ves; Churches and Cathedrals: Spišská Nová Ves. Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary; Spišská Nová Ves: Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary; Olympic Games. Winter [Slovak]: 2010; Gašparovič, Ivan. 1941- . President Slovak Republic, 2004-: 2009: StampLindy Bosworth
Index New issues postal stationery [Slovak] Postal Stationery Lindy Bosworth