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16 Jan 2020 15:08:40
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Journal / Periodical
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January 1996; Iss: 277
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Jan 1996
Number of Pages:
Iss: 277
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Index Balkans: War in the Balkans 1912-1922 [Letter]Frank Daniel
Index Military: War in the Balkans 1912-1922 [Letter]Frank Daniel
Index Express Services: Express byways during World Wars 1 and 3 [Letter]D Cunliffe
Index Express Services: Express byways during World Wars 1 and 4 [Letter]E E Fricks
Index Ionian Islands: Postal history of the Ionian Islands 1386-1864 [Letter]Oliver Cumming
Index Military: Express byways during World Wars 1 and 2 [Letter]D Cunliffe
Index Military: Express byways during World Wars 1 and 2 [Letter]E E Fricks
Index Maritime mail: A new theory concerning the handstamps of the British Packet Office at Lisbon 1797-1858  John Sussex
Index Portugal: Lisbon: A new theory concerning the handstamps of the British Packet Office at Lisbon 1797­1858  John Sussex
Index British Isles: London: London Penny Post numbered receivers handstamps  Hugh Feldman
Index British Isles: London: One of my favourite Elizabethan letters [1556 letter]  Philip Beale
Index Military: Quiriquina prisoner-of-war camp (for seamen from S.M.S. Dresden)  William Newport
Index Tierra del Fuego: Quiriquina prisoner-of-war camp (for seamen from S.M.S. Dresden)  William Newport
Index British Isles: General: One of my favourite covers [registered book post]  Patrick Frost
Index Registered: One of my favourite covers [1867 registered book post]  P Frost
Index Brazil: Lloyd Austriaco in Brazil  Denis Vandervelde
Index Lloyd Austriaco: Lloyd Austriaco in Brazil  Denis Vandervelde
Index Maritime mail: Lloyd Austriaco in Brazil  Denis Vandervelde
Index British Isles: General: A cover with a story [bill of lading]  Geoff Oxley
Index France: A cover with a story [bill of lading]  Geoff Oxley
Index British Isles: General: One of my favourite letters [letter to The Hague 1843]  Robert Macmillan
Index Netherlands: One of my favourite letters [letter to The Hague 1843]  Robert Macmillan
Index Europe: 500 years of European postal communications  R Zimmerl
Index Thurn and Taxis: 500 years of European postal communications  R Zimmerl
Index Military: Forces get military mail at the double  Harold Wilson
Index Equador: One of my favourite covers [Guayaquil to London via Cadiz & Falmouth]  Malcolm Ray-Smith