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Date Loaded:
27 Jan 2020 13:53:40
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1996; Iss: 39
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Jun 1996
Number of Pages:
Iss: 39
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Index Aerophilately and Aviation History: first flights: 1937–38 flights (Imperial Airways RMA “Cavalier” and Pan Am “Bermuda Clipper”): identity of cachet makers: overview  Shaw
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: membership: applicants/new members   
Index Bermuda Post: change of editors  Puzine
Index Bermuda Post Office: philatelic bureau: personnel: : biographical notes  Smith & Puzine
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: Commonwealth Finance Ministers’ Meeting review   
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: Lighthouses and Navigational Aids   
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: National Trust   
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: Olympics   
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: Panoramic Views booklet   
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: Transition in Public Transportation   
Index Cachets: official Post Office cachets: : Commonwealth General Assembly (1995)  Stephens
Index Censorship: World War 1: censor handstamps: survey  Jessop
Index Censorship: World War 1: overview  Jessop
Index Literature: Bermuda auction catalogues  Freeland
Index Literature: Bermuda in Print (AC Hollis Hallett)  Puzine
Index Literature: Postal History of Blockade Running Through Bermuda, 1861–1865: announcement   
Index Miscellaneous – Non-philatelic: obituaries: : S Stokes  Puzine;
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: covers, etc.: “Return to Sender on Admiralty Instructions” label  Flynn
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: stamp dealers: in Bermuda  Paré;
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: tribulations of buying a rare stamp  Littlewort
Index Picture Postcards, Trade Cards, etc.: letter-cards  Stephens
Index Postal Markings and Postal History: machine (slogan) cancels: new releases and usages: ”Remember Land Tax is now Due” (1996)  D & S Avery
Index Postal Markings and Postal History: postage due devices: unrecorded (from Crawl), similar to type DUE3  Flynn;