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Date Loaded:
27 Jan 2020 13:53:40
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 1997; Iss: 42
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Mar 1997
Number of Pages:
Iss: 42
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No data to display
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Key Words 
Index Aerophilately and Aviation History: first flights: 1931 Hart-MacLaren transatlantic flight  Jessop
Index Auctions: sale results: Victoria Stamp Co.: : 13 January 1997  Puzine
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: meetings: 1997 Sturbridge, Mass.: : planning   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: membership: applicants/new members   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: miscellaneous: auction manager (D E Stephens): praise for   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: treasurer's report  King
Index Bermuda Post Office: philatelic bureau: personnel  Martin
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1996: review  Puzine
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1997  Puzine
Index Cachets: visiting ships: British vessels: : HMS Boxer  Puzine;
Index Catalogues: Stanley Gibbons, Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue, Part I: new listings, number and price changes for Bermuda, etc.:: 1997 edition : comment  Dickgiesser
Index Catalogues: Stanley Gibbons, Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue, Part I: new listings, number and price changes for Bermuda, etc.:: 1997 edition : new listing for KGV 2s6d August 1930 printing  Puzine
Index Fiscal Philately: 1996 QEII $22 keyplate  Puzine;
Index Fiscal Philately: 1996 QEII $22 keyplate: : comment  Dickgiesser;
Index Miscellaneous – Non-philatelic: Bermuda websites  Puzine
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: first-day covers: 1996 QEII $22 keyplate  Puzine
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: stamp dealers: in Bermuda  Paré;
Index Postage Stamps: 1937–53 King George VI high values (SG 116–121): identification by printing  Dickgiesser
Index Postage Stamps: 1937–53 King George VI high values (SG 116–121): perforations  Dickgiesser
Index Postage Stamps: 1937–53 King George VI high values (SG 116–121): 10s: November 1941 printing: does it exist?  Yendall
Index Postage Stamps: 1937–53 King George VI high values (SG 116–121): 12s6dApril 1946 printing  Glazer;
Index Postage Stamps: 1937–53 King George VI high values (SG 116–121): 12s6d: April 1946 printing: : unidentified head flaw  Murray Payne Ltd.;
Index Postage Stamps: 1997 Express Postage issue (SG E1): $20 “Postage/Revenue” stamp contemplated : released as a $22 express stamp  Puzine,
Index Postage Stamps: 1998 Express Postage issue (SG E1): $20 “Postage/Revenue” stamp contemplated : comment   
Index Postal Markings and Postal History: miscellaneous markings: “I.D.E.” (International Data Express)  Puzine;
Index Postal Markings and Postal History: miscellaneous markings: “I.D.E.” (International Data Express)  Arch;
Index Postal Markings and Postal History: miscellaneous markings: “Postage Paid” bulk-mail marks: : with slogan  Dickgiesser