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Date Loaded:
27 Jan 2020 13:53:40
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 1998; Iss: 46
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Mar 1998
Number of Pages:
Iss: 46
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: Board of Directors:: elections   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: meetings: 1998 Stamford: : planning   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: membership: applicants/new members   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: membership: directory   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: miscellaneous: awards received: : C E Cwiakala   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: miscellaneous: survey of members: : results   
Index Bermuda Collectors Society: treasurer's report  King
Index Bermuda Post Office: stamp program and new issues: 1998  Puzine
Index Cachets: NASA Tracking Station: : closing  Puzine
Index Cachets: visiting ships: recent visits: : 1995–97  Puzine
Index Catalogues: Stanley Gibbons, Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue, Part I: new listings, number and price changes for Bermuda, etc.:: 1998 edition : unlisted watermark varieties  Forand
Index Censorship: World War 2: censor handstamps: numeral (type CM21): “22": non-internee usage  Augustinovic
Index Fiscal Philately: fiscal stamps: query  Seidelman;
Index Fiscal Philately: other fiscal markings  Seidelman;
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: changelings  Puzine
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: covers, etc.: Booker, Mrs Viola  Warner,
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: covers, etc.: Booker, Mrs Viola  Surpless;
Index Miscellaneous – Philatelic: covers, etc.: Roger Wells covers: missent to Bermuda (Montserrat to Cayman Islands) : notes on  Forand;
Index Postage Stamps: 1917–38 King George V high values (SG 51b–55, 88–93): on cover  Surpless;
Index Postage Stamps: 1935 KGV Jubilee issue (SG 94–97)  Cwiakala
Index Postage Stamps: 1936–52 Pictorial issue (SG 98–106, 110–115): ½d on 1d provisional issue (SG122): : use for printed matter rate to the US  Surpless
Index Postage Stamps: 1937–53 King George VI high values (SG 116–121): £1: perf 13 printings  Glazer
Index Postal Markings and Postal History: early letters:: to Philadelphia (1795)  Ward;
Index Postal Stationery: newspaper wrappers: homemade  Seidelman;