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Date Loaded:
27 Jan 2020 17:33:30
Item Information
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July 1972; Vol: 15/3
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Jul 1972
Number of Pages:
Vol 15/3
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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No data to display
Key Words 
Index Newsletter 132 General J. Sims
Index Auction 98 Auctions M. Spencer
Index Editorial General  
Index Study Circle Meeting in Cyprus - 27 April - 3 May 2009 Report MeetingsC.J. Podger
Index The Bernard Brewer Competition 2009 Report CompetitionsC.J. Podger
Index Small Envelopes Postal History J. Forbes
Index Seen on E-Bay Stamps Proof???J. Forbes
Index Funny Cancellation (Revenue?) Cancellations J. Forbes
Index Post Office North Polis Cancellations HandstampsE. Hedger
Index Nocosia Registration LabelsP. Ormerod
Index Military Censors Censorship WWIIP. Ormerod
Index More RAF and Military Censors Censorship WWIIY. Pipis
Index WWI Study Paper Update United States WWIR.L. Davis
Index The Feldman Auction Auctions ReportR. Watson
Index Turkish Cypriot Postal Rates Postal Rates Turkish Cypriot PostJ. Ertughrul
Index Cyprus Newspaper Wrappers Wrappers J. Courtis
Index The Other Nicosia Cancellations Y. Pipis
Index More Manuscript Cancellations Cancellations ManuscriptE. Gill
Index Tuck Postcards Postcards R. Everett
Index Bar Code Registration Labels No "Stamp" on Label Type Registration Y. Pipis
Index VR Khrysokhou Cancellations R. Watson
Index SG7 Stamps R. Watson
Index New Postmark? Cancellations E. Gill
Index Prisoner of War Repatriation Card 1974 POW 1974 Turkish Cypriot PostJ. Ertughrul
Index Cancelled on Arrival in Consular Bag United States Consular BagB. Gibbs
Index Social Aid Stamps Postal History Turkish Cypriot PostT. Eastgate
Index EOKA Censorship Censorship EOKAM. Parren
Index Yet Another from the Gillatt Trunk Postal History GillattC.J. Podger
Index Waterlow Colour Trials Stamps SamplesD. Pollard
Index The Red Cross "Message Service" and "Undercover" Mail in Cyprus WWII Red Cross WWIIA. Ioannides
Index Electronic Postcode Directory Postcodes DirectoryG.T. Davis
Index New Post Office at Tseri Cancellations G.T. Davis
Index New Issues of the Repubic of Cyprus Stamps Republic 
Index New Issues of the Repubic of Cyprus Cachets Republic 
Index New Issues of the Turkish Cypriot Post Stamps Turkish Cypriot Post