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Date Loaded:
28 Jan 2020 16:12:22
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1970; Vol: 21
Copyright End Year:
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Vol 21
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index Toronto Air Crash, July 5, 1970 Air Mail crashCaplan , Dr J
Index Flight Anniversaries, 1979 Air Mail specific flightMalott, R K
Index First Trans Canada Flight, Halifax to Vancouver, 1920 Air Mail specific flightMalott, R K
Index EXFILBO 69, Bogota conventions & exhibitions 1969Obregon, E
Index MANIPEX 70 conventions & exhibitions 1970 
Index FIAP, The Congress of conventions & exhibitions exhibitionObregon, E
Index PHYLYMPIA Frames Allocated conventions & exhibitions exhibition 
Index Lea, William Edward death notice Lea 
Index Capital Gains Tax economics duty & tax 
Index Insurance, Philatelic economics insuranceGeldert, Dr G M
Index British Colonial Issues, Watermarks on foreign British ColonialsCrown Agents' Bulletin
Index World's Most Valuable Stamp foreign British GuianaCrown Agents' Bulletin
Index Ceylon foreign CeylonCrown Agents' Bulletin
Index British Solomon Islands, Irregular Postal Markings foreign Solomon IslandsChadwick, W H
Index Evolution of Concessional Postal Rates for Canadian Armed Forces military Postal HistoryWebb, Lt-Col R H
Index Leeds County Ontario Postal HistoryRosenthal, M
Index Dutton and District Ontario Postal HistoryRosenthal, M
Index Brockville Mails - The Early Days Ontario Postal HistoryRosenthal, M
Index Argenteuil County Postal History Rosenthal, M
Index Victoria BC Provincial Exposition Flag postmark flagStulberg, Dr F
Index Dotted Inner Circle Dater postmark  
Index Unusual Offsets printing production 
Index Hull, Upstream From Quebec Postal HistoryRosenthal, M
Index C.P.R. in Nipissing and Algoma railway Rosenthal, M
Index Registered at the Legislative Assembly of Canada registered Stulberg, Dr F
Index Book Reviews regular feature literature 
Index New Issues, 1970 regular feature regular feature 
Index Coming Events regular feature regular feature 
Index Postmarked London regular feature regular featureLowe, R
Index What's New In Old Canada regular feature regular featureStulberg, Dr F
Index Postmarked Ottawa regular feature regular featureReiche, H
Index Chapter Meetings RPSC chapter news 
Index Chapter News RPSC chapter news 
Index Index to Volume 21 RPSC CP indexCharron, J J
Index Editorial RPSC editorial 
Index Mail Bag, The RPSC letters 
Index Society Reports RPSC report 
Index New Medals RPSC report, awards 
Index Honour Roll, The RPSC report, honour 
Index Slide Programs, 35 mm RPSC report, member service 
Index Society Reports - Sales Circuit RPSC report, sales 
Index Society Reports - Youth Activities RPSC report, youthMadesker, M
Index Cunard Line, Highlights from the Early Days Ship Mail CunardArnell, J C
Index "Great Britain" Reaches Bristol Ship Mail  
Index Large Queens Issue of Canada, Notes on stamps 1868-lg queenLaw, J
Index Short, Fat Queen stamps 1898-numeralStulberg, Dr F
Index Canadian Cello Paqs stamps 1954-definBlack, C F
Index Official Stampless Covers stamps officialPekonen, W