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28 Jan 2020 16:12:22
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1983; Vol: 34
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Vol 34
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Key Words 
Index Conquering the Canadian Rocky Mountains by Canadian Air Mail, August 1919 Air Mail Semi OfficialMalott, R K
Index Quizzical Look at Canada Canada designBlack, C F
Index Quizzical Look at Canada Canada designBlack, C F
Index Belgica '82 conventions & exhibitions 1982Malott, R K
Index Oakpex "83" conventions & exhibitions 1983 
Index OAKPEX '83 conventions & exhibitions 1983Malott, R K
Index Lindsay, Frank death notice Lindsay 
Index Patrick, Douglas A death notice Patrick 
Index Stockwell, Harry P, Jr death notice Stockwell 
Index Capital Gains Tax economics duty & tax 
Index Inflation and Philately economics generalStrong, C W
Index Protecting Your Collection economics generalMorris, W M
Index Protecting Your Collection economics  
Index Canadiana on Foreign Stamps foreign canadiana 
Index Canadian Numbering System general catalogue 
Index Philately in Wonderland general Rowe, K
Index Mail Arrangements for POW's and Internees in Canada during WWII military Postal HistoryNat'l Postal Museum
Index National Library, Additions to museum library 
Index National Library, Philatelic Collection at museum library 
Index Canada Post News (Notes) post office Canada PostCanada Post
Index Literature Reviews regular feature literature 
Index Coming Events regular feature regular feature 
Index Postmarked Ottawa regular feature regular featureReiche, H
Index Index to Volume 34 RPSC CP indexTilbury, K L
Index Editorial: Editor's Notes RPSC editorial 
Index Beaudet, Beaudet RPSC Geldert Medal 
Index Letters to the Editor RPSC letters 
Index Anti Theft Committee RPSC report, anti theft 
Index Society Reports - Chapter Coordinator RPSC report, chapter 
Index Chapter Meetings RPSC report, chapter 
Index Honour Roll, The RPSC report, honour 
Index Officer of Library Affairs Appointed RPSC report, library 
Index New RPSC Service: Atbitration Committee RPSC report, member service 
Index Lower Rates for Stamp Insurance RPSC report, member service 
Index New RPSC Service: Life Insurance RPSC report, member service 
Index Slide programme RPSC report, member service 
Index President's Page RPSC report, presidentClark, B A
Index Society Reports - Sales Circuit RPSC report, sales 
Index Society Reports - Secretary RPSC report, secretary 
Index Cunard Line, Highlights from the Early Days Ship Mail CunardArnell, J C
Index Beaver, 3 penny, on cover+E2937 stamps 1851-pence- 3d Cat:1Locke, G
Index Victoria, 12 1/2c, variety stamps 1859-cents-12.5c Cat:18 
Index Small Queen Era in British Columbia stamps 1870-sm queenPike, J A
Index Edward Booklets of Canada stamps 1903-regularMadesker, M
Index Centennial Booklets, Constant Flaws on stamps 1967-centennialIrwin, D C
Index Victoria Booklets of Canada stamps bookletMadesker, M
Index Canadian Stamp Varieties stamps variety - columnBeaudet, L
Index Opal Booklet Vending Machine Items stamps Irwin, D C
Index Damaged and Delayed Mail, A Look At  Speirs, D C