Index |
Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, New Signatories to
| awards RDP | |
Index |
Canada: The 1908 Quebec Tercentenary Issue by Herb McNaught
| book review 1908-Quebec | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue West Africa
| book review Africa | Shaman, T |
Index |
Collect Aircraft on Stamps
| book review air | Shaman, T |
Index |
Newfoundland Airmail Stamps and Airmail Flights: 1918-1949, by Peter Motson
| book review air | Shaman, T |
Index |
Lighter Than Air, by Tom Crouch
| book review air | Shaman, T |
Index |
Canadian Interrupted Flight Covers by R.K. Malott
| book review Air Mail | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue, Australia
| book review Australia | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 3 Balkans
| book review Balkans | Shaman, T |
Index |
British Columbia and Vancouver Island by John M. Wallace
| book review British Columbia | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Simplified Catalogue - Stamps of the World, 2009 edition
| book review catalogue, general | Shaman, T |
Index |
Collect Channel Islands & Isle of ManStamps
| book review Channel Islands | Shaman, T |
Index |
Christmas Seals of Canada by Beattie, Chung & Vogel
| book review cinderella | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue: Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840 - 1970
| book review Commonwealth | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue Canada
| book review Commonwealth | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Commonwealth & British Empire Stamps 1840 - 1970
| book review commonwealth | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue Belize, Guyana, Trinidad & Tobago
| book review commonwealth | Shaman, T |
Index |
Dead Letter Office Handstamps 1874 to 1954 by Gary W. Steele
| book review DLO | Shaman, T |
Index |
Collect British Stamps
| book review GB | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Great Britain Concise Stamp Catalogue
| book review GB | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons: Cyprus, Gibralter & Malta Stamp Catalogue
| book review gibralter | Shaman, T |
Index |
Great Britain Vol 1 Queen Victoria Specialized Stamp Catalogue
| book review Great Britain | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue, Part 19, Middle East
| book review middle east | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue New Zealand
| book review New Zeakand | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue Western Pacific
| book review Pacific | Shaman, T |
Index |
Prince Edward Island Postal Rates July 1, 1851 to June 30, 1873, by Warren S. Wilkinson
| book review PEI | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stamp Perforations with Particular Emphasis on Canadian Stamps by R.A. Johnson
| book review Perforations | Shaman, T |
Index |
Essence of Polar Philately by Hal Vogel
| book review Polar | Shaman, T |
Index |
Canadian Money Letters: Forerunners of Registered Mail by Horace Harrison
| book review registered | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 11, Scandanavia
| book review Scandanavia | Shaman, T |
Index |
Transatlantic Stampless Mails to and from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI, 1757 to 1859 by Derek Smith
| book review ship | Shaman, T |
Index |
Stanley Gibbons Stamp Catalogue Part 20, South America
| book review South America | Shaman, T |
Index |
Plating the Twelve and a Half Cent Yellow Green (Scott #18) by Ken Kershaw
| book review Cat:18 | Shaman, T |
Index |
Maple Leaf Forgery, The $1.40
| Canada forgery Cat:2055 | Edward, T |
Index |
Code of Excellence (bilingual)
| Canada Postal code | Moses, E. |
Index |
Sorting Out the Issues (Mammal definitives, 1988)
| canada stamps | Edward, T |
Index |
It Does Not Make Sense but a Logical Explanation Must Exist
| canada variety | Monteiro, J |
Index |
Inuit Travel - Dog Team & Sled
| Canada Cat:772 | Edward, T |
Index |
Colombo Plan
| Canada | Weigand, R. |
Index |
Canada Honours International Co-operation Year
| Canada | Weigand, R. |
Index |
Alcock & Brown
| canadiana Air Mail | Logan, R |
Index |
Message in Code
| Canadiana code | Peach, M |
Index |
Sir Oliver Mowat
| canadiana history | Weigand, R. |
Index |
30 Most Deserving People NOT Honoured by Canada Post
| canadiana personality | Thompson, S. |
Index |
Santa Letters: Errors, Misprints & Miscuts
| canadiana Santa | Bocker, N R |
Index |
Details, Collections and Images: Canada Post's Philatelic News Bulletins
| Canadiana | Jones, D |
Index |
Squared Circle Strikes of Halifax
| Cancels Squared Circle | Shaman, T |
Index |
Royal Philatelic Convention Comes to St. Catharines in 2009
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | Gillam, S |
Index |
RPSC: Nomination of Directors
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | |
Index |
Prospectus, Entry Form & Registration
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | |
Index |
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | |
Index |
Edmonton, palmares
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | Danielski, JJ |
Index |
China, palmares (extracts)
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | Danielski, JJ |
Index |
Happenings at ROYAL*2009*ROYALE
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | |
Index |
Orapex 2009, Palmares
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | Danielski, JJ |
Index |
Royal*2009*Royale, Palmares
| conventions & exhibitions 2009 | Danielski, JJ |
Index |
Henry (Harry) E. Duckworth, BA, BSc, PhD, OC (1915-2008)
| death notice Duckworth | |
Index |
McGregor, Frederick Christopher (1922-2008)
| death notice McGregor | |
Index |
Rosemary June Victoria Nickle
| death notice Nickle | |
Index |
Alena Pascual
| death notice Pascual | Shaman, T |
Index |
Charles John "Charlie" Peterson, RDP, (1933-2009)
| death notice Peterson | |
Index |
Varieties: Belgium Olympics
| foreign Belgium | Napoleon |
Index |
Varieties: Belgian Air Mail Stamps
| foreign Belgium | Napoleon |
Index |
Varieties: Belgian Express
| foreign Belgium | Napoleon |
Index |
Varieties: Reunion Small 1
| foreign France | Napoleon |
Index |
Mount Roraima
| foreign Guyana | Speirs, D C |
Index |
Hong Kong Stamp Program for 2007, part 2
| foreign Hong Kong | Monteiro, J |
Index |
Hong Kong Stamp Program for 2008
| foreign Hong Kong | Monteiro, J |
Index |
Hong Kong Stamp Program for 2009
| foreign Hong Kong | Monteiro, J |
Index |
Varieties: Reunion Misspellings
| foreign Reunion | Napoleon |
Index |
Exhibiting: A Discipline Undergoing Change
| In my Opinion guest | Lesher, R |
Index |
A Refit for the Good Ship R.P.S.C.
| In my Opinion guest | Jones, D |
Index |
Philatelic Literature is the Heart of the Hobby
| In my Opinion guest | Nowlan, M |
Index |
How Important is the Royal Philatelic Society to you?
| In my Opinion guest | Logan, R |
Index |
Post Office Postage Meters
| Meters Canada | Irwin, R |
Index |
Words, Words, Words
| personality Churchill | Dufour, D |
Index |
Karsh Brothers, Photographers
| personality Karsh | Peach, M |
Index |
Saint LawrenceMarket Gallery Venue for Santa-Letter Writing Launch
| personality Santa | Shaman, T |
Index |
CAPEX '78 Bisects
| Postal History bisects | Peach, M |
Index |
Canadian Drop Letter Rates, 1897 - 1911
| Postal History Drop Letter | Arfken & Pawluk |
Index |
Canadian Drop Letter Rates, 1897 - 1911
| Postal History Drop Letter | Pawluk & Arfken |
Index |
Free of Postage
| Postal History free | Pekonen, B |
Index |
Canadian Pre-UPU Letter Mail to the Atlantic Side of South America
| Postal History international | Arfken, G |
Index |
Pitney Bowes Commemorative Covers
| Postal History meter | Irwin, R |
Index |
Wartime Memoirs
| Postal History military | Hill, A |
Index |
Post Card Themes
| Postal History post cards | Arfken, G & Pawluk, W |
Index |
British Picture Post Cards, 1904
| Postal History post cards | Peach, M |
Index |
The 8c Registered Letter Stamp
| Postal History registered Cat:F3 | Arfken, G |
Index |
Small Queen Registered Drop Letters
| Postal History small queen | Arfken & Pawluk |
Index |
Small Queen Registered Drop Letters
| Postal History small queen | Pawluk & Arfken |
Index |
Canada Bank Note Engraving and Printing Co.
| Printing | Arfken, G |
Index |
Notice of AGM, St. Catharines, June 13, 2009
| RPSC 2009 | Butler, P |
Index |
Reglements de la Societe Royale de Philatelie du Canada
| RPSC by-laws | |
Index |
By-Laws of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada
| RPSC by-laws | |
Index |
Lakehead Stamp Club Celebrates Diamond Anniversary
| RPSC club profile | |
Index |
Youth Literature Award: Special Regulations
| RPSC exhibits | |
Index |
On Exhibits and Exhibiting
| RPSC exhibits | Piercey, D |
Index |
In the Mailbox
| RPSC letters | |
Index |
Messages from the National Office
| RPSC news | Butler, P |
Index |
Strategic Plan for the RPSC, 2009-2014
| RPSC News | |
Index |
Book Completion
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Expo Antartica Chile 2009
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Lewin takes AFDC's Top Honours for FDC Writing
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
NPM's 15th Anniversary Celebration
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Vincent G. Greene Award
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
APS Board Selects Wade E. Saadi
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Sincere Thanks
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Stampexpo 400
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Our MultFaceted Hobby
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Americover Seeks Exhibits for 2009 Show in Massachusetts
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Dale Speirs Garners the Geldert Medal for 2008
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
New Publication
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Shrinking Ice Cap
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Sincere Condolences
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Canada Post Joins Canadian Geographic for photo contest
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Mystery Island, South Pacific
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
ORAPEX Distinguished Philatelist for 2009
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Return to Pitcairn
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
London 2010
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
StampExpo 400: call for exhibits
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Postmark Collectors Club 49th Annual Convention
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Palmares Banquet, China 2009
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Roger Johns receives 50 year medal
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Festival for Philatelic Women
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Iceland New Issues, 2009
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Fifty Years a "Royal"
| RPSC news, views | Verge, CJG |
Index |
Queen's Stamps at Museum of Civilization
| RPSC news, views | |
Index |
Membership Report
| RPSC report | |
Index |
Coming Events
| RPSC report, calendar | |
Index |
Chapter Chatter
| RPSC report, chapter | Pepall, G |
Index |
Chapter Meetings
| RPSC report, chapter | |
Index |
Editor's Notes
| RPSC report, editor | Shaman, T |
Index |
News, Views & Happenings
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
Arfken inducted in APS Writers Unit Hall of Fame
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
Cyprus Celebrates
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
Joint Issue
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
New RDP's sign roll in Manchester
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
Notice to Members, AGM 2010
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
Notice to Members: Nominations for Board Positions
| RPSC report, news | |
Index |
President's Page
| RPSC report, president | Penko, R |
Index |
President's Page
| RPSC report, president | Pepall, G |
Index |
RPSC Youthphil Club
| RPSC report, youth | Latulippe, Y |
Index |
Bigger & Better
| stamps Business Reply | Notley, A |
Index |
Chinese New Year Series
| stamps Canada | Monteiro, J |
Index |
Canada's Map Stamp: Investigating the Island Names
| stamps Canada Cat:85 | Osborne, O |
Index |
Tagging Jump Strip
| stamps Canada Cat:604 | Edward, T |
Index |
The 47¢and 48¢ Stylized Maple Leaf Stamps
| stamps Canada | Edward, T |
Index |
Golden Jubilee Errors
| stamps errors Cat:1932 | Monteiro, J |
Index |
An Illumination of the Lighthouses
| technical tagging Cat:2253 | Edward, T |
Index |
Transcribing Sounds
| topical communication | Madesker, M |
Index |
Bagpipes Around the World
| topical music | Pascual, A |
Index |
Missing Colour Errors
| varieties colour | Monteiro, J |