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28 Jan 2020 16:23:57
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 2015; Vol: 19/1 Iss: 73
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Mar 2015
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Vol 19/1 Iss: 73
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Index Natal: Africa issue a De La Rue project which did not eventuate South Africa Simon Solomon
Index Natal: A cover sent to J B Moens South Africa Simon Solomon
Index CGH, Natal and Transvaal: Official interprovincial cover 1911 South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: 1d Hope with TOBACCO stamped thereon South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Returned Letter Office Cape Town Gone No address mark South Africa Johnny Barth
Index CGH: War Tax on KE VII 1d postage stamp South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Advertised covers and charge markings South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Manuscript cancellations on postage stamps used fiscally South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Covers and stamps of interest South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Ship letters to the United Kingdom South Africa Alan Macgregor
Index CGH: Griqualand west- the 1d manuscript on CGH SG 24a South Africa from the files
Index CGH: The need for stamps on OHMS letters sent abroad South Africa Robert Johnson
Index ABW: Anglo-Boer War - a book review South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: OFS origin of a cover via OFS to Germany in 1880 South Africa from the files
Index CGH: A problem rate on a cover to Tasmania in 1907 South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Military Telegraph overprints on the CGH 6d and 1/- values South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: the 21/2 d overprint and the reasons for its issue South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Triangulars used in the South African Republic / ZAR in 1856 South Africa Alan Macgregor
Index CGH: Issues of Money Orders to the UK in 1869 South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH, Natal and Zululand: Forgeries continued South Africa Robert Johnson and Simon Solomon
Index CGH and UPU: text of the UPU Treaty of 1875 South Africa Robert Johnson
Index CGH: Postmaster-General's Reports for 1898 and 1899 South Africa Peter Thy