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28 Jan 2020 16:47:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1955; Vol: 3/1 Iss: 59
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Page Nos List:
Jun 1955
Number of Pages:
Vol 3/1 Iss: 59
Item Alt No:
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Key Words 
Index Royal Visit 1938: the 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France   
Index Camps: French Internment Camps - Chapter 16 - Septfonds(Tarn-et-Garonne)  (D J Richardson)
Index Postal Markings: Recouvrement postal - a precursor  (R Abensur, trs M S Tyler)
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories : 64  (E M Cohn)
Index Morocco: 1911 Red Cross card  (R C Deakin)
Index Pages from my collection: 14, 15, 16  (R C Deakin, P R A Kelly)
Index Togo: The 1921 "Mandate" issue - an outstanding perforation variety - seeking information  (J Martin & W G Mitchell)
Index Postal Tariffs: Tariff Information at the Centre des Archives d'Outre-Mer, Aix-en-Provence  (M P Bratzel, Jr)
Index Madagascar: Air Tariffs 1929-1949  (J Desnos, supplied by C W Spong)
Index Postal Tariffs: Madagascar Air Tariffs 1929-1949  (J Desnos, supplied by C WSpong)
Index Guadeloupe : US Forces Postcard  (J West)
Index Pre-adhesive cover : queries  (G K Lindsey, C W Spong, Prof D R Stirrups)
Index Pre-adhesive cover : and answers  (F E Goatcher)
Index Postal Markings: "No Name, No Delivery" rule?  (J M Simmons)
Index Labels: Air France "New Night Air Mail" label  (R I Johnson)
Index Postal Markings: Inspectors' Marks (small number in circle - addendum)  (D Jennings-Bramly)
Index World War 1: oval censorship marks in France  (C J Hitchen, S Strowski trs M S Tyler)
Index Sage: Le Type Sage, an 1898 military/maritime cover (addendum)  (W G Mitchell)
Index Postal Markings: Telegrams  (A J Wood)
Index Exposition Universelle: 1878 vignette on re-used envelope in 1880  (R I Johnson)
Index Congo Français: handwritten AR form  (R I Johnson)
Index Postal Markings: Handwritten AR form in Congo Français  (R I Johnson)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Trassaert, J-L: La Marianne de Decaris on CD-ROM : (Book review)  (M L Bister)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gibbons, Stanley: (pub) – Stamp Catalogue Part 6, France (5th edition) : (Book review)  (M L Bister)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from philatelic magazines, lists of titles  (C W Spong)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Hosking, R: Paquebot cancellations of the World (3rd edition, 2000) : (Book review)  (WG Mitchell)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Agneray, A, Granero, M & Boule, M: Les timbres fiscaux de la Principauté de Monaco: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Barat, P-J: Catalogue spécialise des entiers postaux d'Algérie (2nd edition): (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Cochet, S, Boudrie, H & Auzeloux, M: La poste automobile rurale en Corrèze: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Grassy, J: L'Officiel des télécartes: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Raynaud, Dr B: France: les empreintes postales, comment les identifier, les classer dans leur context et connaître leur valeur (2nd edition 2001) : (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Migoux, R: La Philatélie Thématique (2nd edition): (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index Postcards: Folded business postcards: information sought  (R M Bell, E M Cohn, G H Bowden)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Herendeen, D L: The Parcel Post Stamps of the Ivory Coast: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Kurchan, M D: The Secrets of Air Mail Routes and Rates in South America 1928-1941: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Musée de la Poste: Reference Library – days open : (Book review)  (C W Spong)