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Date Loaded:
28 Jan 2020 16:47:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
April 1970; Vol: 17/4 Iss: 147
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Apr 1970
Number of Pages:
Vol 17/4 Iss: 147
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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235550 Location: APRL Bellefonte PA 16823 HE6182 .M153g 1982b Binding: Spine Title:
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Key Words 
Index French Post Office: Engravings  (Collection M L Bister)
Index World War 2: Refugees and Internees Albert Stiefel: A Name from History  (D Hogarth)
Index Maritime Mail: Mail between France and La Réunion 1864 to 1900: the Lignes “T”, “V” and “U” of the Messageries Maritimes  (P R A Kelly)
Index Mauritania: The Mauritania Post Office in Saint-Louis (Senegal)  (W G Mitchell & L H Lambert)
Index World War 2: British Censorship Control of Communications during World War II:: Belgian Congo, French Equatorial Africa and French Cameroun  (R J Maddocks)
Index Postal Markings: France: Locally Made 2 Décimes Handstamps  (J P Maybury)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Delsaux, S & Troispoux, G: L’Epopée du Tcheliouskine 1933-1934: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Édition Société Argus des Timbres de France (pub): Argus des Timbres de France 1849-2005: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Société des Amis du Musée de la Poste (pub): Instruction Générale sur le Service des Postes de 1792: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Renard, J: La Marianne de Béquet témoin de son temps: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Richardson, D J: Subject Index to Four French Philatelic Magazines 1946 to 2000: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Bernadet, O: 10 Ans de Liberté -- Présentation d’une Marianne: La Liberté de Gandon: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Cobb, D: Cameroon in the Great War, Volume I: The Military Handstamps and the Early Overprints / Cameroun La Grande Guerre, Tome I: Les Cachets Militaires et les Premières Surcharges: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chauvet, M: La Vie Quotidienne dans les Lazarets: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index Military Mail: The Vaguemestre  (R E Reader)
Index French India: More Date Oddities: (“904”, “910”)  (R Wood)
Index Après le Départ: Après le Départ marks used overseas: Madagascar  (C W Spong)
Index French India: Reply Cards Problem: (unused reply half cancelled pre-cancelled?)  (D Taylor Smith)
Index Perfins: Star Perfin on 1 F50 Pétain  (G Bowden , M L Bister)
Index Postage Due: Use of the Handstruck “3” during the First Period of the Type Sage Issue 1876 to 1 May 1878  (P R A Kelly)
Index Morocco: Morocco Protectorate Survivals [post-Independence] of Poste Aérienne Cachet  (J D Moffat)
Index Alsace-Lorraine: Alsace Visiting Cards (World War 2 rates): query  (M L Bister)
Index World War 1: (see also Togo): The Infrastructure of the War in France  (report of display by M S Tyler) (C W Spong)
Index Paris: The Paris Post 1849-1876: (report of display by C J Hitchen)  (M S Tyler)