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Date Loaded:
29 Jan 2020 11:51:55
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
December 1978; Vol: 2/7
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Dec 1978
Number of Pages:
Vol 2/7
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Editorial General  
Index "Some Day I'll Find You" Cancellations  
Index Type 32 again? Cancellations  
Index Notes from our Auctioneer General E. Gill
Index Paramali Station in 1950 Post Office  
Index Surface Air Lifted Air Mail  
Index The Publicity Handstamp "Eat Oranges" Publicity Handstamps R.L. Davis
Index WW2 Cover - The Cyprus Regiment Cyprus Regiment WWIIJ. Forbes
Index GR Keumurju or GR Keumurji ? Cancellations  
Index Cyprus Advocate Pension Fund Tax Stamps RevenueC.J. Podger
Index Postal Orders Wanted Request C.J. Podger
Index New 1882 Small Half Overprint Variety Stamps OverprintsR.L. Davis
Index GR Cancellations on KEVII Postage Stamps Cancellations  
Index Visit to Pyla Cachets J. Sims
Index G.R. Lemba Rural Service Cancellations  
Index The 1886 Large Half Overprints Stamps OverprintsR.L. Davis
Index Wax Seals Wax Seals J. Sims
Index Wax Seals Wax Seals G. Tellalian
Index Wax Seals Wax Seals C.J. Podger
Index Cancellations Type 11 Cancellations R.L. Davis
Index 1935 SJ 'Kite & Log' variety Stamps SJZeno
Index 1935 SJ 'Kite & Log' variety Stamps SJR.L. Davis
Index Was that old letter really postmarked on a Sunday? Calendar  
Index Underpaid Mail Cachet Cachet C. Ioannou
Index Another Underpaid Mark Underpaid J. Wigmore
Index Limassol B011 Registration Mark Registration G.T. Davies
Index 40 years on Stamps J. Sims
Index Registration Labels SA1 Registration G.T. Davies
Index Yialousa Upside Down Cancellations R. Everett
Index Congratulations to SteliosTheophilou Report  
Index Village Registration Etiquettes Registration EtiquettesR.L. Davis
Index News from the North Stamps Turkish Cypriot PostJ. Ertughrul
Index Ay Napa Retour Revisited! Handstamp Y. Pipis
Index Cachets & Slogans in the South Cachets Republic