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Date Loaded:
29 Jan 2020 11:51:55
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
October 2003; Vol: 14/6
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Oct 2003
Number of Pages:
Vol 14/6
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index Seen on the Internet Cancellations  
Index Finedon Weekend Report R. Everett
Index Editorial General K. Lewis
Index Thanks to our last Editor, derek Greasley General R. Everett
Index E-Mail Forum FDC's C. Georgallis
Index E-Mail Forum FDC R. Watson
Index E-Mail Forum History WWIR. Watson
Index The Cyprus Study Circle at Midpex 2003 Report C.J. Podger
Index CSC Auctions Report E. Gill
Index Internal Censorship in 1943 Refugees WWIIT. Antoniou
Index Lefka M.O.O. Cancellation Cancellations MOOZeno
Index AV2 Additional Information Airmail AV2R.L. Davis & Zeno
Index The 1931 Airmail Drop? Airmail R.L. Davis
Index An Unrecorded Nicosia Type 5A Cancellation Cancellations R.L. Davis
Index An Unlisted Variety - True or False Stamps D. Kyrsof
Index An Unrecorded Postal Agency Cancellation Cancellations R.L. Davis
Index New Cancellers at some Villages and Postal Services Cancellations S. Theophiou
Index RLO - Postal Services Cyprus RLO J. Pipis
Index Israel Detainee Welcome Postmark Cancellations IJIJ. Pipis
Index Wouldn’t it be lovely General J. Wigmore
Index Was there a Travelling Post Office on the CGR Cancellations K. Lewis
Index Jottings Postal Stationery Wrapper 
Index Jottings Postal Stationery Overprinted 
Index Jottings Postal Stationery Postards 
Index Jottings Cancellations  
Index Jottings Stamps  
Index Jottings Cancellations Forgery 
Index Jottings Registration  
Index Jottings Stamps  
Index Memos from the Cyprus Archives - continued History Post OfficeC.J. Podger
Index Village Snippet - Kato Kopia Cancellations K. Lewis
Index The Story Behind the Cover Postal History J. Ertughrul
Index Registered Label Study Registration D. Watson
Index The Railways of Cyprus - a Review Publications ReviewR. Wheeler
Index Stamped Paper Issued by the British Administration in Cyprus - a Reviw Publications ReviewR. Wheeler
Index Recent Republic Slogans Cachets Republic 
Index New Republic Stamps Stamps Republic