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Date Loaded:
29 Jan 2020 16:33:02
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
January 1959; Iss: 35
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Jan 1959
Number of Pages:
Iss: 35
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index 14th Army BURMA Military: WW2 
Index British FPOs in China, 1927-40 CHINA Military: 
Index WW2: British APOs and FPOs GAMBIA Military: 
Index BAOR - BFPOs GERMANY Military: Post WW2 
Index British APOs and FPOs GOLD COAST (GHANA) Military: WW2 
Index China: Army 1927-40 GREAT BRITAIN Military: 1919-39 
Index Northern Ireland in WW2 GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index RAF: Northern Ireland GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index West Africa - APOs and FPOs GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index 14th Army GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 4th Corps GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 2nd Division GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 36th Division GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 46th (North Midland) Division GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 49th (West Riding) Division GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 53rd (Welsh) Division GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index 56th (London) Division GREAT BRITAIN Military: British Army Commands and Formations in WW2 
Index FPOs - locations etc: (See also WW2 because of overlaps) and almost all issues of the Newsletter from 54 onwards. GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post WW2 - General 
Index BAOR - BFPO lists GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post WW2 in Europe 
Index Corps & Divisions INDIA Military: WW2 
Index Indian Army Formations INDIA Military: WW2 
Index US APOs JAPAN Military: 
Index British APOs and FPOs NIGERIA Military: WW2 
Index British APOs and FPOs SIERRA LEONE Military: WW2 
Index US Navy Shore Base Post Offices (worldwide - too many to cross reference) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Military: WW2 
Index US Navy Branch Post Offices WW2 & after UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Military: WW2 
Index US Air Postal Squadrons UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Military: Post WW2 General 
Index US APOs/FPOs lists etc UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Military: Post WW2 General 
Index British APOs and FPOs WEST AFRICA Military: WW2