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Date Loaded:
29 Jan 2020 16:33:02
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 1972; Iss: 114
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Mar 1972
Number of Pages:
Iss: 114
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Egypt - 1st LH Bde Details FPO AUSTRALIA Military: WW1 
Index UN Temp Exec Auth in W New Guinea, 1962-63 CANADA Military: Post WW2 
Index Boer War PoW Camps CEYLON Military: 
Index Australian "1st LH Bde Details FPO" EGYPT Military: WW1 
Index Dardanelles Campaign EGYPT Military: WW1 
Index German PoWs (from Boer War) in Ceylon GERMANY Military: Pre WW1 
Index British Army of the Rhine, 1919-29 GERMANY Military: 1918-39 
Index BAOR - BFPOs: Concessionary postage rates GERMANY Military: Post WW2 
Index Privilege Postal Rates GREAT BRITAIN Military: General 
Index Dardanelles Campaign GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Dardanelles Campaign GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index France & Belgium etc, FPOs GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Greece - British FPOs GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Malta Hospitals GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index FPOs - locations etc: Special handstamps, 1968-71 GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post WW2 - General 
Index BAOR - BFPO lists: Concessionary postage rates GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post WW2 in Europe 
Index Macedonia - British FPOs GREECE (includes Crete & Aegean Islands) Military: WW1 
Index UN Temp Executive Auth in W New Guinea, 1962-63 INDONESIA Military: 
Index A rough handstamp (hospital?) MALTA Military: WW1 
Index UN in W New Guinea, 1962-63 NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES Military: 
Index UN Temp Executive Auth in W New Guinea, 1962-63 PAKISTAN Military: 
Index PoWs held In Camps in Ceylon SOUTH AFRICA Military: Boer Wars 
Index Dardanelles Campaign TURKEY Military: WW1 
Index Western New Guinea, 1962-63 UNITED NATIONS FORCES Military: 
Index USAF with UNTEA West New Guinea UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Military: Post WW2 General 
Index Netherlands - UNTEA, W New Guinea POSTAL STATIONERY Military: Netherlands - UNTEA, W New Guinea 
Index Camps in Ceylon PRISONERS OF WAR Military: Boer Wars