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Date Loaded:
29 Jan 2020 16:33:02
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
November 1975; Iss: 135
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
Nov 1975
Number of Pages:
Iss: 135
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Italian East Africa Campaigns, 1935-41 ABYSSINIA / ETHIOPIA Military: 
Index Egypt - AIF "Free" cachets AUSTRALIA Military: WW1 
Index Censorship AIF "Free Franked" marks EGYPT Military: WW1 
Index Air mail rates in 1939 EGYPT Military: WW2 
Index Military Censorship in Mid East EGYPT Military: WW2 
Index Italian East Africa Campaigns, 1935-41 ERITREA Military: 
Index AIF use of "Free Franked" etc marks FRANCE Military: WW1 
Index Free French: in Mid East FRANCE Military: WW2 
Index Internee Camps - "C.S.F." label (Answer) FRANCE Military: WW2 
Index PoW still held in Italy 1972 GERMANY Military: Post WW2 
Index AIF "Free Franked" etc marks GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Censors: Middle East GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Middle East: Military Censors GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index PoWs: Censorship "Passed - P/W" postmark GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Royal Navy - postmarks: NSIS and VSIS (Answer) GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post WW2 Home 
Index Italian East Africa Campaigns, 1935-41 ITALY Military: 
Index German PoW still held in Italy 1972 ITALY Military: Post War 
Index NSIS "Fort Sandusky", HM Naval Base, Kure (Answer) JAPAN Military: 
Index Free French Forces LEBANON Military: WW2 
Index Censorship - Military, Naval & RAF MIDDLE EAST Military: WW2 
Index AIF "Free Franked" etc marks PALESTINE Military: WW1 
Index Military Censorship in Mid East PALESTINE Military: WW2 
Index Italian East Africa Campaigns, 1935-41 SOMALIA / SOMALILAND Military: 
Index French Internees' Mail (Answer) SWITZERLAND Military: WW2 
Index French Forces in Syria SYRIA Military: 
Index AIF "Free Franked" etc marks TURKEY Military: WW1 
Index British Camps PRISONERS OF WAR Military: WW2 
Index German PoW still held in Italy in 1972 PRISONERS OF WAR Military: WW2