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29 Jan 2020 16:33:02
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1990; Spring Iss: 203
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Spring Iss: 203
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Key Words 
Index HMS Carysfort "Flying Squadron", 1880-85 AUSTRALIA Military 
Index BEF in France & Belgium, 1939-40 BELGIUM Military: WW2 
Index RAF internees in Belgium BELGIUM Military: WW2 
Index UN Forces in SW Africa (UNTAG) 1989 DENMARK Military: Post- WW2 
Index Double censor (Army & RAF) on letter written in Greek EGYPT Military: WW2 
Index TetP 505 and 506 after Dardanelles (Question) FRANCE Military: WW1 
Index BEF in France & Belgium, 1939-40 FRANCE Military: WW2 
Index Dunkirk: Propaganda leaflets GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: WW2 
Index "Not opened by Censor" handstamp (Question) GOLD COAST Military: WW2 
Index Napoleonic Wars: Letter to Transport No 327 (Q199/156) (Answer) GREAT BRITAIN Military: Pre WW1 Campaigns (by date) 
Index HMS Carysfort "Flying Squadron", 1880-85 GREAT BRITAIN Military: Pre WW1 Campaigns (by date) 
Index Mediterranean Fleet, 1890-91 (Answer) GREAT BRITAIN Military: Pre WW1 Campaigns (by date) 
Index Coronation day postmarks of HM Ships (Question) GREAT BRITAIN Military: 1919-39 
Index Airmail to BEF GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Army Signals GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index BEF in France & Belgium, 1939-40 GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Censorship: Double censor (Army and RAF) GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Postage rates from BEF, 1939-40 GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Postal Stationery: Special envelopes & cards for BEF GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index PoW and Internees: British PoWs of Japan GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index PoW and Internees: British internees in Belgium & Netherlands GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index PoW and Internees: German PoWs of BEF GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index "Returned to Sender" GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Telegram service for BEF GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index FPO lists GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post- WW2 
Index Machine postmarks GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post- WW2 
Index Royal Navy: HMS Devonshire visit to Russia, 1976 GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post- WW2 
Index Slogan postmarks GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post- WW2 
Index French TetP 505 and 506 after Dardanelles (Question) GREECE Military: WW1 
Index "Not opened by Censor" handstamp (Question) INDIA Military: WW2 
Index British PoWs JAPAN Military: WW2 
Index Transjordan Frontier Force, 1926-48 JORDAN Military 
Index British PoWs in labour camps KOREA Military: WW2 
Index RAF internees in Netherlands NETHERLANDS Military: WW2 
Index HMS Devonshire - visit 1976 RUSSIA / SOVIET UNION Military: Post-WW2 
Index UN Forces (UNTAG) 1989 SOUTH WEST AFRICA / NAMIBIA Military 
Index SW Africa (UNTAG) 1989 UNITED NATIONS Military 
Index British PoWs of Japan Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW2 
Index British RAF internees in Belgium and Netherlands Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW2 
Index German PoWs of BEF Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW2 
Index Korea - British PoWs in labour camps Prisoners Of War And Internees Military 
Index WW2 German leaflets at Dunkirk Propaganda Leaflets Military 
Index Special envelopes & cards for BEF WW2 Postal Stationery Military