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29 Jan 2020 16:33:02
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Journal / Periodical
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1995; Summer Iss: 224
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Summer Iss: 224
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Key Words 
Index "Australia will be there!" AUSTRALIA Military: WW2 
Index Russian PoW 1915-17 (includes censors, postal stationery etc) AUSTRIA Military: WW1 
Index South-East Asia Command, Dept 404 (Question) CEYLON Military: WW2 
Index Special Communications Unit EGYPT Military: WW2 
Index Ships detained in British & Empire ports, or captured, Sept,1914 GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: WW1 
Index Ships detained in Russian ports, Sept 1914 GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: WW1 
Index PoW: RN in various camps including Colditz GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: WW2 
Index "POST-WAR YEARS OF GERMANY 1945-1948" GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: Post-WW2Stich & Stich
Index Special Wirless Section, 1942 GIBRALTAR Military: WW2 
Index Royal Navy: Enemy ships detained or captured, Sept 1914 (includes ports throughout the Empire) GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Bletchley Park, ULTRA GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Northern Ireland, 1944 GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index PoW and Internees: British Naval PoWs in Germany GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index Royal Navy: N.O.I.C. Bari (Question) GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index South-East Asia Command, Dept 404 (Question) GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index ULTRA, Bletchley Park GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index NZ FPO KW2, Battle of Mt Olympus, April 1941 GREECE Military: WW2 
Index South-East Asia Command, Dept 404 (Question) INDIA Military: WW2 
Index Naval mail (Question) ITALY Military: WW2 
Index Special Communications Unit ITALY Military: WW2 
Index Greece: FPO KW2, Battle of Mt Olympus, Apr 41 NEW ZEALAND Military: WW2 
Index Enemy ships detained or captured, Sept 1914 RUSSIA / SOVIET UNION Military: WW1 
Index Russian PoW in Austria 1915-17 (includes censors & postal stationery etc) RUSSIA / SOVIET UNION Military: WW1 
Index South-East Asia Command, Dept 404 (Question) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Military: WW2 
Index POST-WAR YEARS OF GERMANY 1945-1948 Book Reviews MilitaryStich & Stich
Index Russian PoWs 1915-17 (includes censors, postal stationery etc) Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW1 
Index British Naval PoWs in Germany Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW2 
Index Austria - PoW cards to Russia, WW1 Postal Stationery Military